What is Your Posture in Times of Need? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Desert Song” by Hillsong Worship

Devotional thought

Every one of us will face times of hunger and need, trial and spiritual battle, and desert living at some point or another in our walk of faith. Jesus Himself said that we will face trials in this world (John 16:33). But, we are given a great tool to overcome these times of barrenness – prayer and praise!

Our prayer life is so important to build and exercise! We need to establish a strongly rooted prayer language with the Lord in all seasons, so that when the hard seasons come we can fall back on that source of connection! Our God desires to have intimacy with us, to be that source of strength for us when we need it. He commands us to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us (1 Pet 5:7)!

Jesus invites us a number of times to come to Him when we feel overwhelmed and burdened. So, are we taking Him up on that offer, or are we too distant and/or ashamed to come before Him in those times of need?

What is your prayer life like these days? Have the busyness and distractions around you gotten in the way of your intimacy with God? I know that for myself I am feeling that Hebrews 2:1 effect on my spiritual life right now. And I hate it! I want to remain so close to the Lord, develop my prayer life strongly in Him, and spend much time at my Lord’s feet. But, I am in a season where it seems too difficult a thing to do on a consistent basis.

Notice, I said “seems to be”, but I know it is not! I must choose the better thing and trust that God will work out everything that is trying to tempt me away from time with Him. As I share that personal struggle with you, do you find yourself in that same tension? If so, do what I do to overcome it – make the choice!

We must be deliberate with our walk of faith. Our resolve must be to remain diligent in our connection with the Lord! To read the Bible consistently, to pray, to stay around good godly people who will inspire and encourage us in our faith! These things matter.

And, let’s not forget, we must be in a posture of praise! Praise does something in our spirit that puts us in a place of humility and dependence upon our God! That is the best place to be when we are overwhelmed by the cares of this world. So, let’s remain in that place of connection, through prayer and praise in all seasons of life. Especially the barren ones.


Oh God of the valleys and the mountain peaks. I praise You for desiring to be in relationship with me. To have a connection that goes beyond a dinner prayer! I long for You Lord, and I am so sorry that I drift and become so busy at times that I become distant from You. Holy Spirit, please help me to stay at the feet of Jesus, to choose the better thing, and to remain in a posture of praise before the Lord at all times! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Rom 8:37,
  • Isa 54:17,
  • Ps 32:6-7,
  • Ps 66:10,
  • Ps 42:1-2,
  • 1 Pet 1:7,

Memory Verse