What is Your Response to Who God Is? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)” by Michael W. Smith

Devotional thought

What a great song of praise and declaration we have today! I love the way this song puts a response on our lips of what we will do based upon what God has revealed about Himself.

I will bow down, I will listen, I will love You, I will…. These are such great declarations of our resolve to give our lives to our Savior after all He has and is doing for us. Don’t we need that in today’s world, a resolve to follow the Lord whole-heartedly?

And, in case you have forgotten who God has revealed Himself to be, here are a few lines from our song of the day to remind us:

  • You are Lord of lords
  • You are King of kings
  • You are mighty God
  • Lord of everything
  • You’re Emmanuel
  • You’re the Great I Am
  • You’re the Prince of Peace who is the Lamb
  • You’re the living God
  • You’re my saving grace
  • You will reign forever
  • You are Ancient of Days
  • You are Alpha, Omega, Beginning, and End
  • You’re my Savior, Messiah, Redeemer, and Friend
  • You’re my Prince of Peace

I just love that! And I love that as those words are being declared there is a chorus being sung over top of those words that goes like this:

I will sing to and worship the King who is worthy
I will love and adore Him, and I will bow down before Him
I will sing to and worship, the King who is worthy
I will love and adore Him, and I will bow down before Him
You’re my Prince of Peace, and I will live my life for You!

Is that your heart’s response to all God is and all that He has done for you? I hope and pray that it is because He is worthy of all our dedication and worship! Maybe today you needed to be reminded to take some time and rehearse your own resolve to follow our God! I invite you to play the video and do it now!


Holy Father, You are so great and worthy of my praises! I love You Lord, and I do declare that I will follow You all my days. You’re the object of my worship and devotion Lord, and I pray that You help me to stay focused on living a life worthy of the salvation You granted to me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Ps 138:2,
  • Ps 22:3, 27,
  • John 6:69,
  • Isa 9:6,
  • Romans 12:1,
  • Rev 22:13,
  • Ps 145:3,

Memory Verse