Embrace the Challenge to “Rise Up”! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Rise Up” by Cain

Devotional thought

Are you stuck in a pit of despair right now? Maybe it isn’t that bad for you, but you are just living a haphazard, passionless life! Or, perhaps your experience of life has been reduced to a hyper-focused existence wrapped around whether or not you are good enough and are winning the battle over your personal struggles with sin. Is that really what Jesus Christ has called us into when we came to Him by faith?

No, I do not believe that our existence is to be passionless individuals that are going through this life focused on whether or not we make the cut in this team called Christianity. Listen to me – if you’re a believing person, who has repented and called upon the Lord Jesus to be your personal Savior, and are living your life by faith, then you are in! You are no longer in a kingdom made up of darkness and despair!

God has delivered us from that kingdom and conveyed us into a Kingdom of His Son’s love and grace (Col 1:13)! Which will lead us into victorious, passionate living because God made us ALIVE in and through Christ.

So, if you are stuck in the dark and feeling all alone. If you are experiencing a sort of spiritual paralysis, then hear the encouragement of the song and RISE UP child of God! Jesus came to give us life to the fullest, to call us out of death and into life.

Stop focusing on yourself and your inability to get everything right all the time, and start focusing on the fact that you have a Savior who got it right for you! Praise Him for that by living a life now that represents the new life you have in and through the Resurrected Savior!


Holy Father, I praise You for raising me up out of a life of death and darkness into the Kingdom of Your Son’s love and light! Please help me to stay focused on living a life that reflects that glorious truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

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Memory Verse