What is the Treasure Hidden in Jars of Clay? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Broken Vessels” by Hillsong Worship

Devotional thought

“But we have this treasure in clay jars, so that the extraordinary power belongs to God and does not come from us.”

2 Corinthians 4:7 (NET 2nd ed.)

Today’s song speaks of an amazing grace that raises up the broken to life, that sees a dying Savior with love in His eyes as He lays Himself down and saves a wretch like me! This is the Gospel message, and it is a treasure indeed!

In the 2 Corinthians verse cited above, Paul speaks of having treasure. But, what is the treasure and how does it apply to us?

Well, the treasure is the glorious knowledge of the Gospel of Christ (1 Cor 4:4,6)! This treasure holds the power of God and will transform everything about us! It is beautiful, glorious, powerful, and holds the ability to make us into new creations!

Now, the clay jars are representing our fragile human bodies. Here is a helpful statement from the CSB Study notes:

Clay jars is a metaphor for fragile and mortal human bodies. Sometimes the more humble the container, the more glorious its precious contents appear.

 Kendell H. Easley, “2 Corinthians,” in CSB Study Bible: Notes, ed. Edwin A. Blum and Trevin Wax (Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers, 2017), 1843.

God has chosen to store this treasure within the transformed lives of individuals throughout all of history! And you and I are a part of that! How exciting to think that we are a part of God’s treasure map! We have an X on us, marking the spot where a treasure is hidden!

So, if someone is searching for the treasure of Truth, and they somehow stumble across the X that is you, are you going to reveal that treasure to them or keep it hidden? You have been entrusted with the treasure of the Gospel that will truly transform someone’s life, so please don’t hide it! Make it known, because the treasure you hold has no limits!

The Gospel message will never run out. No one will take too much of it. So, your role in this treasure hunt is to be the guide that helps someone else discover it! Guide everyone you encounter to that treasure of the amazing gospel of grace found in Jesus Christ that has been entrusted into your care!

Oh, and one more thing, the jar that the treasure is inside of can either draw people or repel them from it! If that jar is stinky and full of holes, then the other person will be able to see through it and know there is no real treasure hidden within. But, if that jar is being carefully crafted and continually coming to the Potter to keep it in good condition, then it will be intriguing and compelling to those interested in discovering the treasure for themselves!

Stay close to the Potter that wants to mold you into a Clay Jar that holds and represents His treasure well! And, look for opportunities to share it with everyone around you! What a treasure hunt indeed!


Heavenly Father, I praise You for entrusting me with the treasure of the knowledge of Your Gospel! I want to be faithful with this treasure and desire to help others discover it for themselves. So, Lord I ask that You guide me as I seek to guide others in discovering this glorious Truth. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 2 Cor 4:4-7,
  • Ephesians 2:8-9,
  • Jer 18:3-5,
  • Matt 13:44,
  • Col 2:2,

Memory Verse

Check out this Berean Test post for further study about the song of the day!