The Awestruck Wonder Of The Revelation Of Jesus! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

Revelation Song” by Kari Jobe

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

This is a re-post from November of 2021. But, wanted to share it again for those that are new and have not yet read this devotional based on the song, “Revelation Song”. Enjoy!

I often consider if we have lost the awe and wonder of the revelation of Jesus Christ. Have we forgotten how incredible the reality of God coming in the form of a human to save humanity is? Have we lost touch of the exchange that took place on the cross? Have we become numb to the sights and sounds we see recorded in the Scriptures of Heaven and the God of Heaven? Have we lost our wonder for God?

I am filled with wonder and amazement for God and how truly holy He is, and that even in that holiness He saw it fit to intervene into my life. He saw that I needed a Deliverer and sent Jesus to save me from my sins!

I am so grateful for that blessing, and I do stand in awe of Jesus and all that He did in my life. I can only hope that you are reminded of that truth too. That this devotion will help you stand in awe of all that your Savior did for you. 

I was in an accident once where I was operating a semi-truck and it flipped on its side as I was dumping the contents out of the bed. It was terrifying, and afterward I looked at the possibilities of how I could have been injured. There were many, but I stood there perfectly fine, just shocked. I remember that feeling of shock and amazement at the fact that I was ok. I should not have been. 

I think if we understood the reality of how much we do not deserve the intervention of God, we would stand in awe, shocked, at the reality that He is choosing to be gracious to us. Although He should not, because of His holiness, He still pours out His compassionate love on us and saves us when we call out to Him in faith! That should leave us all in a state of shock, and I believe one day it WILL! 

  • Have you lost your wonder for God?
  • Will you take a minute right now to imagine your life without God in it, then praise Him for His intervention into your life? 
  • Does the Revelation song help you picture and reflect upon the greatness and holiness of God? 


Holy Father, I truly am in awe of Your majesty. I do praise You for love and saving me even though I am not deserving of that sort of grace. Please forgive me for losing my wonder for You, for becoming complacent in my reflection of Your revelation of Jesus Christ. I ask that You reveal Him to me each day and how much I have been delivered from as a result of Your transformational power in my life. Thank You Jesus, Amen!