Trunk or Treat 2023

Trunk or Treat 2023 was a blast! Thank you to all who helped setup, participated, brought chili and came out to see us! Looking forward to Trunk or Treat 2024!
Significance of Life in the Womb

Pastors Bill and Mark discuss the significance of life in the womb. The child in the womb is NOT LESS human than is the baby born, you, or us.
This Podcast is a produced by Eagleville Bible Church, and you can stay connected with us by following us on Social Media here:
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Session 250: Significance of Life in the Womb

Pastors Bill and Mark discuss the significance of life in the womb. The child in the womb is NOT LESS human than is the baby born, you, or us.
This Podcast is a produced by Eagleville Bible Church, and you can stay connected with us by following …