When You Can’t See the Plan, Trust the One Who Holds It

🔴 Join Us for Worship & the Word – Live Now!

Come worship with us as we lift up the name of Jesus and dive into His Word together. No matter where you are, you can experience God’s presence and be encouraged in your faith!

🎶 Worship Setlist:
Holy Spirit – CCLI #6087919
Gracefully Broken – CCLI #7091509
Open Up Our Eyes – CCLI #6386696
Our God – CCLI #5677416
Everlasting God – CCLI #4556538

Life can be uncertain, but God’s sovereignty is absolute. He is in control of all things—performing wonders beyond our understanding, moving in ways we cannot perceive, and holding our very lives in His hands. This week, we will explore what it means to fully trust in Him, even when the path is unclear. No matter what you’re going through, hold onto hope—our help comes from the Lord!

📺 Tune in, worship with us, and be encouraged in your faith!

💡 40 Days of Seeking God
Join us in an intentional journey of prayer, Scripture, and worship as we seek God together for 40 days. This is a time to realign our hearts, grow deeper in faith, and experience the power of God moving in our lives. Follow along and participate at https://eagleville.church/40-days-seeking-god/.

📜 Streaming CCLI License #20016611

#WorshipLive #TrustGod #Job #Faith #GodIsSovereign #EaglevilleChurch #40DaysSeekingGod