What are the Gladsome Tidings that Inspire Your Song? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Angels We Have Heard on High” by Chris Tomlin

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Luke 2:8-20
  • Luke 1:28-35,

Devotional thought

Glory what? In Excelsis Deo. That phrase that is so often sung at Christmas time, but no-one seems to know what it means. Let’s talk about that now, and try to discover what the gladsome tidings are as well!

In Latin, the phrase Gloria in Excelsis Deo means to Glory in the highest to God! (Check out this sermon by Bill McMinn explaining the meaning of Glory! I though it was an excellent Sermon that was very informative!) In English, this phrase is only slightly modified to say, Glory be to God on high! So, we see that to sing Gloria in Excelsis Deo is to give God glory on the highest, and that is a great thing to do!

By the way, my aunt gave me a hint a while ago about how to sing it. Now, be careful reading the next part, because once you hear this you will think of it every time you repeat this phrase! Are you ready? Pronounce Gloria in Excelsis Deo like this; Gloria, in egg shells cease day-o! There, now you know too. Haha. Thank you aunt Martha (who might have actually said – in egg shells we stay-o, but I modified it a smidge)

What are Gladsome Tidings? Gladsome is having a cheerful disposition. • to be filled with, marked by, or causing pleasure. Tidings means news, information, or a message.

So, this phrase means to announce Glad, Joyful, News, the proclamation of the Gospel (which means Good News)! In Luke 2:10, the Angel said that he was bringing glad tidings of great joy! What was the Glad tidings that erupted the heavens with a loud shout of Angelic praise, “Gloria in Excelsis Deo?

The Savior of the World has been born to you in the City of David, He is Christ the Lord! That was the Gladsome Tidings, that was the joyous message from the Celestial beings! And that is still the Glad tidings that I am declaring to you today! Jesus Christ has come and brought salvation to this world! Hallelujah!

See, this news should inspire a song in all of hearts! A song of rejoicing, of peace, of worship, of love. This is the greatest news any of us can, or will ever, receive. And yet, many of us hear it and simply move along with our day as if it is old news! There isn’t a song on our heart that responds to this joyful proclamation. It is so sad!

Is that you today? Maybe you have been following my posts for several days, and you are getting bored with the repeated message of a Savior being born. “Yeah, yeah, Mark, another Luke 2 reading, Next please.”, you might be saying. I don’t have a “next” for you. There’s nothing better I can offer you! I am giving you the most incredible piece of news I have ever heard and experienced! Jesus, the Savior of the world, is here!!

What are you doing with that message? Have you accepted it? O’ that we might join together with all of creation and sing Glory to God in the Highest, peace on earth and goodwill to men! May the message of a Savior being born in the City of David never, ever, grow old in our hearts. May it always produce a song of joy to well up from our spirit to worship the King!

What part of the Savior being born inspires a heavenly song in you? Is that still a Gladsome Tiding to you?


O God, You are worthy to be praised and to receive glory from my lips! I worship You with all of my being, and I too sing, “Gloria, in Excelsis Deo” to You. Please forgive me for allowing this great news to become old news in my heart. I never want to lose the joy that comes along with the proclamation of the Gospel. Help me now to look for ways to bring glory to You at all times! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Burning candles in front of a festive background