Raise a Hallelujah with Confidence! Worship Devotional

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Song of the Day

“Raise a Hallelujah” by Bethel Music

Scripture to reflect upon

  • 1 Kings 18:20-40,
  • Rev 19:1

Devotional thought

I wanted to only give us one passage of Scripture to read and meditate on as we look into the song of the day today. This passage in 1 Kings 18 is so powerful, and I believe there is so much for to learn from the life of Elijah! Let’s look at a few of those lessons now.

Elijah wasn’t afraid of his enemies, he was confident in his God! There are so many times that we will not raise our hallelujah’s because of the fear of our surroundings, or our present company. Elijah teaches us to be confident in God, and to allow that confidence to replace our fears! Why would we ever doubt that God is trustworthy? Let’s commit to trusting God and to calling upon Him to do far more than we could ever ask or imagine (Eph 3:20).

Elijah was bold in his prayer! To raise a hallelujah is to offer up our highest form of praise from our heart to the Lord God. He did this in front of 450 false prophets, and who knows how many others were present at the time of his prayer. He called on the Lord for Him to answer his prayer in order to prove to these unbelieving people that He is the One True God! And the Lord DID!

Elijah understood and believed that there is only One God, and that faith was what gave him the ability to overcome the opposition! We must be full of faith as we walk this world and the opposing forces around us. There are all types of wars being waged against us each day in the spiritual realm, so our response must be a hallelujah raised up in the faith that God hears and sees us!

Applying the Lessons from Elijah to our Life!

Our enemies, or battles we fight, should not determine the level of praise we give to God! Our praise and faith needs to be unwavering. We need to be decidedly committed to raising our hallelujah to the One True God at all times, because He is worthy of them no matter what our current circumstances! Elijah wasn’t afraid of what the people thought of him offering up his praises and prayers to the Lord with confidence! He knew God seen Him and was true!

So, let’s commit to overcoming our battles and enemies by faith through praise. We can trust that God is hearing us, and that when we pray to the Lord He hears us! Our prayers need to be specific and bold. Fear is replaced by faith when we seek to offer our hallelujah to the Lord and rest in His sovereignty!


Dear Heavenly Father, I love You and seek to be a person of praise at all times. Please help me to overcome the enemy through faith in You. I ask that You fill me with Your Spirit, the Spirit who replaced the spirit of fear in me with love, power, and self-control (2 Tim 1:7). Thank You Lord for delivering me from my enemies and the fear of them! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

My Pastor, Bill McMinn, just taught on 1 Kings 18 last Sunday (1/9/22). It was an excellent sermon, and I encourage you to check it out here. I hope and pray that you are blessed by this message as much as I was!