Forever Changed Because of God’s Love! Worship Devotional

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Song of the Day

“Because of Your Love” by Paul Baloche

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Eph 1:7,
  • Ps 103:1-8,
  • 1 John 1:9,
  • 1 John 4:18-19,
  • Rom 5:5,

Devotional thought

There isn’t one area of my life that has not been transformed by the deep love of God! I know that is a bold statement, but I believe that to be absolutely true – both in principle and in practice. The love of God is transformational, and I hope that you are experiencing that love in your life right now.

At the core of every person is this deep longing to be loved and accepted. The detriment of feeling unloved goes so deep into a person’s psyche that it can affect that person for the rest of their days on this earth. Rejection and abandonment are some of the deepest pains a person can feel, and it is so hard to be freed from the fear of rejection and abandonment once a person has experienced it for themselves.

The good news is that anyone who has experienced these deep emotional scars does not have to live in them forever! The only antidote to these feelings is to feel the opposite – loved and cherished, accepted! Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). Well, God is love, perfect love, and when a person comes to Him to be healed and to walk in freedom from their fears they will never be disappointed!

God loved us so much that He died for us! This ensured that those who come to Him by faith will receive forgiveness, be cleansed, and receive their standing as a child of His forever. That means He will never forsake, or abandon, us! He will never stop loving us and walk away from His commitment to us! His love will always be there for us, and we never have to fear not being accepted by Him, ever!

The love and compassion of God has the power to transform us forever! I know it did for me. I never have to question whether out not God loves or accepts me. My battle is against the enemy speaking lies into my ears that are trying to convince me otherwise! See, I believe that the enemy knows that if he can convince us that we are unlovable and unacceptable to the Father he will render us powerless in this world.

Well, I am here to remind us all that we will never be unlovable to God! Jesus proved His love for us when He laid down His perfect life for us while we were lost and living a sinful life! In our most unlovable state, God showed us how much He loved us! I am so thankful for Jesus, the physical expression of the spiritual love of God.

We sing, “Because of Your love, I’m forgiven, my heart is clean, I’m forever changed because of Your love!” Have you experienced the compassion of God, the healing power of these words, “I love you, My child.”?


Dear Father, You truly are the God of compassion and love. I praise You for loving me and giving me a forever home with You! I am so sorry for doubting You at times, for doubting Your complete love and acceptance. Please remove all of my fears and replace them with the confidence of Your love. In Jesus’ name. Amen.