Really, Do I have to Sing? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

Never Gonna Stop Singing” by Jesus Culture

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Ps 145:1-10,21,
  • Rev 5:9,
  • Ps 47:6-7,

Devotional thought

I know there are some that do not feel that they have to sing, or that they have a good enough voice to sing during the music portion of the Worship services on Sunday mornings (or any other service for that matter). They say things like, “I just don’t feel like singing”, or “I worship in other ways, not through singing”. So, what is my response to this thought?

Well, I know that most people attending Church on Sunday mornings have a strong desire to please God and to obey His commandments. If I asked them to lead in prayer, serve by shoveling the driveway, make a meal, etc, they would have no problem doing so. For some reason though, the idea of singing out praises to God seems to be an optional command.

I am here to remind us though that this isn’t optional. We are told numerous times in the Word of God to offer up shouts of praise, to sing to the King, to offer a sacrifice of praise with our lips, etc. It brings joy to our Father to hear His children sing, in the midst of trials or in the best days! He is honored when we lift up our voices in song to Him!

The answer to the original question is no, you do not have to sing. But, I would say that you are missing out on a special method of praise and worship that brings honor to the God you love! I would also say that if you choose not to sing, then you are making a decision to disobey the God who I know you love and want to please. Make a decision today to sing, to light your heart on fire through song, and to commit yourself to never stop singing! He deserves our utmost praises!

Questions for Reflection

Do you feel that singing is optional?

What is holding you back, if anything, from offering up your voice through song? Do you think the Lord would accept your answer as a legitimate reason to not sing to Him?

Will you repent and start singing during Worship services now that you read this post?


Lord God, I commit myself to offering up my praises through song to You. I do so because of how grateful I am to You for giving me eternal life through the forgiveness of my sins! I sing to You because of the love You have shown to me through Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross on my behalf. I love You Lord, and ask Your forgiveness for making worship more about me and what makes me comfortable. I want to make worship all about You now Lord. Holy Spirit, help me to do this please. In Jesus’ name. Amen.