What Can I Do, but Offer My Heart Completely to You? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“The Stand” by Hillsong United

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Romans 12:1,
  • Romans 5:8,
  • Gen 1:1,
  • John 1:3,
  • Rom 8:10,
  • Matt 16:24-26,

Devotional thought

What more could we offer the God of the universe than our heart? The heart is the seat of our emotions and the very center from which all of the actions of our lives stem from. It is our passions, our intentions, our love, and our commitment to Him!

There are many things that are trying to steal our heart, but we must stay resolved in not allowing anyone, or anything, take our heart from the Lord God. We see this pattern happen all throughout the Old Testament, where His people commit to Him then turn around and give their heart to some false god/idol. This was a great source of aggravation to God, because He is a Jealous God and wants all of our heart given to Him. We cannot have a split allegiance! Our heart must be surrendered to Him and His purposes for us.

What is your personal stand? Are you resolved on following the ways of God? If you answered yes to that question, what is the fruit of such a stand in your life? Let’s not just say that we are standing with God, but let’s show our stance by what we do or don’t do! We must reject the worldly ways of living and surrender our whole lives over to the ways of God! He deserves to have followers that are standing upon Him and will not be shaken!

Jesus could have been shaken and not stood with the plan of His Father. That would have left us without hope in this world. Instead, He was resolved to follow His Father’s plan of redemption for you and me. As a result, we now have hope, forgiveness, life everlasting, the Spirit to guide us, and every other spiritual blessing under the heavens! All because our Savior stood! Our Savior surrendered His will to do the will of the Father! O’ what a Savior we have! Let’s praise Him today and forevermore!


Heavenly Father, I praise You for being my God and King! I thank you for redeeming my life, and I give my heart to You forever! I stand on Your promises Lord! Please help me to stay surrendered to You, to live in Your purposes for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen