O’ the Faithfulness of God! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Great is Thy Faithfulness” by Austin Stone

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Lam 3:21-24,
  • Heb 13:8,
  • Isa 26:3,
  • 2 Tim 2:13,

Devotional thought

The faithfulness of God towards us His children is without end! His promises are to be with us always. Never will He forsake us, and never will we exhaust His limitless compassion toward us!

Have you ever wondered about the faithfulness of God? Especially when life gets a bit turbulent, we can start to wonder if the Lord has forgotten to be faithful in His protection, His healing, His miraculous wonders, and so on. Why is it that the changing circumstances of life cause us to question the only constant we have – God’s presence and faithfulness!

Although it is just our fallen human nature to resort to faithlessness, we must overcome this tendency and begin trusting in God’s everlasting faithfulness toward us if we ever want to live victoriously in this life! God is not going anywhere. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! That means that the same comfort we received from Him when we needed it before is there for us today, and will always be available to us! Let’s not doubt that for a second!

Our God is not swayed by circumstances. He is not tossed to and fro as we are. His faithfulness and covenant of love is not contingent upon anything but His goodness! And the goodness of God is consistent, even when we are not! That is reason to praise Him! He will never be unfaithful or untrustworthy in His care for us. Trust Him always and run to Him first when the enemy begins to convince you that you are no longer under the compassionate faithfulness of your Father!


Praise You God for being my faithful Father! I love You Lord, and I am sorry for doubting You at times. I appreciate Your immutable quality, that You never change brings me much comfort. I know I can count upon You Lord to be there when I need it the most! Help me to remain consistent in coming to You at all times. In Jesus’ name. Amen.