What is the Confession of Your Heart? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Oh How I Need You” by All Sons and Daughters

Scripture to reflect upon

  • Jer 29:12-14,
  • Ps 73:28,
  • John 8:12,
  • John 17:3,
  • Phil 3:8,10,

Devotional thought

We need the Lord for direction, wisdom, comfort, peace, hope, salvation, deliverance, fellowship, etc. You tell me, what area of your life do you not need God? Is there any? Absolutely not! We need our God in every area of life. That is why I love this song of confession, Oh how I need You, Lord! It is the cry of all the ages, we really do need the grace of God and His presence to be with us in these days.

How are we doing in seeking the Lord? This is such an important theme in the Word of God and yet so many of us are struggling to find the time to seek Him on a consistent basis. I believe that to the level that we seek the Lord is to the level we will know Him – truly know Him. If we want a real understanding of God’s character and love, then it only makes sense to seek to know Him beyond words in a book (although it is of utmost importance to know those descriptions given in the Bible of our God!), but to invite Him into our daily activities by the power of His Spirit.

We read the Bible to get information about God, and to learn how to apply that information as we walk out our faith. When temptations come, when loneliness takes over our mind, when fear; worthlessness, guilt, shame, etc., are present in the course of our day, how are we responding? Are we seeking the only solution to those issues, God Himself, or are we forgetting those things we know intellectually and looking to overcome them by our own strength? Are we confessing our need for His intervention? We need to get better at going to God FIRST and allowing Him access into our lives.

“To know Him is to love Him”, is a lyric that we sing in our song of the day. Paul understood this too as he wrote these words to the Phillipians in Phil 3:10:

My aim is to know him, to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings, and to be like him in his death,”

(Emphasis mine)

All-too-often our fear of appearing weak is the very thing that holds us back from experiencing the power of God at work in our lives! Confession is not a sign of weakness, it is the avenue that leads us to accessing the greatest power in all of the universe – God Himself!

It says in Jeremiah 29:13 that when we seek for Him with all of our heart, He makes Himself available to us! Oh how we need the power of God to be made available to us daily! Let’s commit to confessing our need for Him, seeking Him with all of our heart each day, and knowing our God through experience!


My Father in Heaven. I adore You and am thankful that You look to display Your power at work in my life daily! I confess even now my need for You. I need Your love and power at work in my life today. Please help me to know You and to invite You into my daily activities so I can be comforted in Your presence. In Jesus’ name. Amen