What is In A Name? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“At Your Name” by Phil Wickham

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

What is in a name? Character, identity, feelings, joy, chaos, and so much more. A name has so much meaning and brings to mind so many mixed emotions. When you hear your father’s name, what comes to your mind? How about you mother, grandmother, child, sibling, etc? Well, what comes to your mind when you think about the Name above every other name, Jesus Christ? That is going to be the most important thing about you my friend!

Our song today brings about much contemplation in regard to the name of God. At His name the mountains shake and crumble, what does that mean? I’ve never seen that. The oceans roar and tumble, it always does that, right? Angels bow, the earth rejoices, God’s people cry out, all over a Name. So, what is it about that name that creates all this activity?

The name(s) of God describes Him! All you need to know about God is revealed in His name(s). The Oasis prayer group and I went through a book titled “Praying the Names of God”, and I learned so much about the names of God and how it applies to us. Check out this quote from that book:

“To know God’s name is to enjoy a kind of privileged access to Him. By revealing His name, God made Himself not only accessible but vulnerable. Not only could His people call on His name in prayer, they could dishonor it by living in ways that contradicted his character.”

Praying the Names of God by Ann Spangler (Introduction pg 11)

When you read the Names of God like:

  • Elohim – God the Mighty Creator
  • El Roi – The God who Sees Me
  • Yahweh Rophe – The Lord who Heals
  • Yahweh Roi – The Lord is My Shepherd

What does that do for your faith? I know for me, I get super energized when I get a peak into the character of God through how has revealed Himself to us through His specific name! I call upon those names specifically to address my specific needs. And I am comforted and confident that His name will come through! It is a strong and mighty tower that each of us can find our refuge in! Hallelujah.

I challenge you to study the names of God and to call upon Him for your specific needs. There is no one like our God, we will praise Him indeed!


Dear Lord, I praise You for that unshakable Name that You have! You are a strong tower and I run to you for all of my needs. Please reveal Yourself to me in very specific ways as I call upon You in very specific ways Lord! In Jesus’ name, Amen.