3 Strategic Methods for Overcoming Spiritual Battles – Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham

Scripture to reflect upon

Devotional thought

This song is undoubtedly one of my favorite songs right now! It has been so helpful to me, and I have been able to remind myself through its message that I am not alone in my battles but that my God is not only with me in them – He is actually fighting them for me! The rest of this post is actually a re-post (with a few amendments) from a Devotional I wrote on September 21st, 2021. I try to post new content with each devotional, but really feel that the content in this original devotional may just help you today! I hope it does!

I am not sure what the battles are that you have faced, or are going to face, today, but I do know that the best way to fight those battles begins with a strategy! Every successful victory begins with a strategy that gives us the upper hand over our enemy. So let’s look at a few strategic elements we can implement as we face our daily battles.

  1. Prayer
    • Prayer is the first line of defense for all of us, because it allows us to connect with the Extraordinary Strategist (Isa 9:6), the Commander of Heavens armies (Isa 37:16), and the Almighty Fortress who is our safety and shield (2 Sam 22:2-4)! 
    • We can approach Him with confidence knowing that He will give us mercy in our times of need (Heb 4:16).
  2. Surrender
    • I know this sounds weird as a strategic effort to win a battle, but there are times that we need to be still (surrender to the process) and allow God to do what only He can do in our various trials! In this song today we sing when we fight it is on our knees, and every fear we lay at Jesus’ feet. This is a picture of surrendering to Jesus.
    • God told the Israelites in 2 Chron 20:17 to not panic but to trust that God was with them as they march out to battle. He reassured them that they were not going to be the ones fighting in the battle, but that they were going to see God deliver them from their enemies by His power! And they did see that victory as God confused the enemies and caused them to destroy one another! Hallelujah. 
  3. Go back to the “Strategy Blueprint”
    • The Word of God (Bible) is a tool that we need to use daily to make sure we are reminded of the character of God and how He delivered in the past! 
    • When Jesus was faced with the enemies temptations, He responded to, and won, the battle three different times by utilizing the Word of God against Satan. How much more then do we need to be familiar enough with the Bible that we can use it as a sword to penetrate the enemies strongholds in our lives! 
    • God has laid out clear direction in His Word that will give us the tools to win battles and be more than conquerors in this world! Let’s use them!!

So, have confidence when facing various trials, because God is for you – not against you. He is ready to fight your battles for you, trust Him and worship Him as you watch Him deliver you time and time again!


Dear Father, Lord of Hosts, please receive my praise as I contemplate my utter helplessness in defeating the enemy of my soul without Your intervention! I love You Lord, and am so grateful that You are fighting FOR me, not against me. Your Word gives me the tools I need to be an overcomer, and Your Spirit gives me the strength and counsel I need to persevere in this world! You truly are an amazing God! Please help me to trust in You at all times. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.