A Season of Intentional Devotion!

I wanted to inform you that I will be taking a 40 day break from the regular devotions that I have been posting. I will be doing this for two reasons.

  1. The Church I belong to, Eagleville Bible Church, is beginning a 40 Days of Seeking God initiative together on March 7. So, I do not want to compete against this attempt to collectively engage in specific devotional material together (understanding that the majority of this websites subscribers are members of the same Church).
    1. I understand that it can become overwhelming when you get too many devotionals and reading plans at once, so I would rather put these devotionals on hold and allow you who are Eagleville members to stay focused on the Church-wide plan for the next 40 Days!
  2. I will be using this time to do some updates on this website.
    1. There are some features that have been needing to get updated and have been neglected with normal use.
    2. I would like to reformat the design and give it a fresh look. I don’t know yet if that can be done, but I want to at least look into it without the pressure of posting daily.

I so appreciate all of you and the wonderful encouragement I have been receiving from you! I have been loving this opportunity to teach the Word of God through the songs we sing together for worship. I look forward to a season of refreshment and intentional seeking of God!

If you are not a Member of Eagleville Bible Church but have an interest in following the YouVersion Bible App plan that we are going to follow for the next 40 Days (culminating on Good Friday!), then I invite you to click this link. It will take you directly to the Walking with Jesus Bible plan on YouVersion and you can begin the plan today too!

I would also encourage you, if you so desire, to take this time to look back through the archives of this website. There may be some content in the pages of this website that could be a blessing to you. Use the search bar to enter a topic or Scripture that you would like to study, or song title you want to hear (I am working on a whole song title quick reference page on this website too!), and it will pull up devotional content that is specific to that search request.

I pray that you and I will receive much needed refreshment for our soul as we embark on this journey together. I look forward to beginning these devotionals after Easter again! God bless you all.