Jesus, Darkness Trembles at that Name! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Tremble” by I Am They

Scripture to reflect upon

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Devotional thought

“God is light and there is no darkness in Him.” That is what the Bible says in 1 John 1:5, and is repeated all throughout the Bible. It is an important concept for understanding the Gospel, because it reminds us that God does not have fellowship with darkness and came to give us light and to illuminate our path!

Darkness is a force in this world, and the works of darkness are prevalent everywhere! The powers of darkness are constantly attempting to sway us and influence us to not trust in God. There is a spiritual battle at work even now, but when I read texts like Mark 5 or Acts 19:15, I am reminded that these powers of darkness know for sure who they are subject to – Jesus Christ!

They tremble at the sound of His Name according to James 2:19! You don’t have to try and convince the powers of darkness of who the Boss is, all we must do is speak that Name and they flee! There is power in the Name above every other name, so let’s use it and believe in that Name to help us overcome all fear and darkness in our lives.

Light casts out darkness, good overcomes evil, love overwhelms hate! And it is all possible through one Name that could not, and will never, be overcome – Jesus Christ! Say it, declare it often, even now – Jesus Christ! We must proclaim that Name if we want to be freed of the power of darkness in our life!


God of light and Glory, I praise Your matchless Name for bringing light into this world in Your Son, Jesus Christ. I thank You for the power that You have in Your Name. Please help me to find my peace and confidence in Your Name at all times, especially in times of darkness and despair. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.