Amazing Grace Indeed! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“This is Amazing Grace” by Phil Wickham

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Rom 5:21,
  • Ps 24:10,
  • Ephesians 2:4-10,
  • Rev 5:9-13,
  • Titus 2:11-14,

Devotional thought

Titus 2:11-14 is one of my favorite passages of Scripture! I love how it explains that grace is our teacher, teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldliness and instead embracing righteousness, sober-mindedness, and godliness! Grace is a powerful tool in the hands of a loving God. It transforms us from the inside out!

I know from my own experience when I was shown grace by my loving wife, it transformed me! As someone who has always wrestled with the fear of failure and rejection, when I confessed my porn addiction to her I thought my marriage would be ended (I wrote about this in more detail here)! To the contrary, as I confessed my failures to her she opened her wonderful arms and brought me into her bosom, allowed me to cry in her embrace, and reassured me that she would be there to help me get through that addiction! That act of grace was the start to my overcoming that addiction in my life!

I need you to understand today that if you are running from God because you are afraid to be vulnerable with Him for fear of rejection, be assured that our God will never forsake you! His love is unfailing, His grace is limitless, and His desire for you is beyond comprehension! He will never turn you away, but will take you into His wonderfully life-changing embrace and by grace walk you out of your hurts, habits, and hangups and into a transformed life for His glory!

Stop running today, because His grace is amazingly transformative indeed! It will save you from the depths of your pain and struggles and set you on a path to healing! Our God loves you, run to Him for the healing you need today! Stop running from, start running toward Him!


Oh gracious God, lover of my soul. I praise You for showing me grace, and I dedicate myself to Your transformative power Lord. I seek You now to forgive me for running from You in the specific area You already know about. I confess to You now and turn from that sinful way in my life. I seek Your grace to teach me how to renounce this area of sinfulness and to embrace godliness instead! For Your Name’s sake and Your glory God, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!