Comforted in Knowing that We Are Not Alone! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“I Am Not Alone” by Kari Jobe

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Ps 23:4,
  • Matt 28:20,
  • Deut 31:8,
  • John 14:18,
  • Gen 16:13,
  • Ps 139:1-12,

Devotional thought

One of the strongest temptations in life is to believe the lie that we are alone! That nothing we do in life matters, that it doesn’t affect anyone, and that God isn’t paying attention to us anyway! This type of thinking produces a deep sense of despair and ultimately results in us making unwise decisions that are rooted in fear and rejection.

This may be the reason God chose to include the words, “I am with you” so often throughout the Bible! He knows that we are quick to become fearful, to isolate, to try to hide. But this is impossible with God! He sees us (Hagar called Him El Roi, the God who sees me!), He knows us, and He is with us in every valley or highest peak.

If you are feeling tempted today to believe that your life doesn’t matter, that you are alone, and you are feeling the grips of fear take hold in your life, please reject these lies and choose to trust God’s comforting words that He is with you – always! Don’t succumb to the lies, but choose today to trust that God is with you and because of that you have nothing to fear!

Read and meditate on the Scriptures listed in this Devotional, write them out on a 3×5 card, memorize them, and recite them often. Praise the Lord for His dedication to you and His promise to be with you in the midst of anything we go through. His light removes the darkness we feel and replaces the feeling of fear with comfort. I promise, no – HE PROMISES!


God of comfort, I praise You for those wonderful words of comfort – “I am with You always!”. Thank You Lord for being with me, for replacing fear with confidence, and for guiding me through the difficult seasons of my life. I know You are with me and I love You for knowing and loving me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.