Celebrate the Day Your Soul was Saved! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“From the Day” by I Am They

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 1 Pet 2:9-10,
  • Rom 12:1,
  • Ps 32:11,
  • Ps 149:3-5,
  • Ps 107:2,
  • Ephesians 1:13,
  • Ephesians 2:8,

Devotional thought

Oh how sweet it is to remember that wonderful day that we encountered the life-changing love of God. It brought us salvation and hope, eternal life, and gave us a new outlook on life forever. Do you remember the day that God saved your soul?

We were stuck in darkness and patterns of living that were guiding us right into the depths of lifelessness. But God broke through the darkness of our lives and shone His light and poured His grace out upon us. His kindness led us to repentance, and His love compelled us to follow Him forever!

This truly is reason to sing and dance before the Lord! When is the last time you got so excited about the prospect of God’s deliverance in your life that it resulted in a physical reaction? Does it still excite you or have you forgotten the mighty work of God in your life?

“Oh but Mark, you have to understand that I am a conservative and don’t feel that it is appropriate to respond in that sort of way.” Nonsense! The same person that tells me that will jump up and down when their favorite team scores, but we can’t get that excited at the reality of transformation in Christ? I’m sorry, but I just don’t understand that type of thinking for one minute.

I’m sorry if I am coming across a bit judgmental, but it does break my heart to see so many that don’t even know the day of their salvation, they don’t remember inviting Jesus Christ to be their Savior (saying something like – “Well I have always believed”). Not only this, but how many that are seemingly unaffected at all emotionally or physically by that spiritual re-birth that took place in their lives.

What has happened to the idea of celebration? What does it mean to you to rejoice, to delight yourself in the Lord for that day He saved your soul? And maybe it is to sit in awe and silent reflection, to which I say praise God! There is nothing wrong with that at all, but to not think about it at all is absolutely unthinkable to me!

Please consider and respond to the Lord with rejoicing and praise for that day He opened your eyes to the reality of the Gospel and saved your life!


Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for saving me! I thank You for loving me enough to reveal Your Son to me, and then to fill me with Your Spirit to seal me for the Day of Redemption! You are such a wonderful God and I choose to worship and delight myself in You even now. Spirit help me to express my praise for the work of salvation You did in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.