Who Has Your Heart? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“My Heart is Yours” by Passion

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 1 Sam 12:24,
  • Prov 3:5,
  • Deut 6:5 NIV,
  • Mark 12:30,
  • Ps 143:8,

Devotional thought

Giving our heart to someone who loves us is a big step! It communicates trust, surrender, submission, and extends a measure of access into our lives that nobody else has. This is what I think of when I hear the Lord command us to love Him with all our heart. “Give Me access” is the paraphrase that I hear from God almighty.

If I go into a marital relationship without giving my spouse full access to my inward parts, there will undoubtedly be relational tension and frustration. Well, the same thing will happen if we do open wide our heart to the Lord too. He wants all of us. We belong to Him when we come into a relationship with Him. So, if we are holding back any part of our heart from Him, then are we really surrendered to Him at all?

If you are having trouble connecting with the Lord, I would maybe evaluate how fully you have given your heart to Him. Really ask the difficult, but honest questions that must be examined.

  • Is there any area of my life that I am not allowing the Lord to correct?
  • Does God have a voice in every area of my life?
  • Have I surrendered all of my heart to God, or is there something that I am unwilling to allow God to be Lord over in my life?

Offer yourself fully to the Lord and allow Him to have your whole heart today! There is freedom in surrendering Lordship to Him. Remember that someone, or something, has your heart no matter if you realize it or not. So, I would suggest that de-throne whatever that thing, or person is that has claimed your heart and give it back to the Lord Jesus Christ immediately.

It is a choice that must be made by you. Will you choose to surrender your heart to the Lord God today?


Father God, I love and praise You for Your patience. I am sorry for holding back any area of my heart from You, and I commit my whole heart to You today! I want You to be Lord of every area of my life, because I know surrendering to You will bring the greatest amount of blessing to my life and glory to Your name. Holy Spirit help me please. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.