Experiencing Resurrection Life! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Resurrecting” by Elevation Worship

Scripture to reflect upon

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Devotional thought

In order for something to experience a resurrection it first has to die. The Bible says that we are spiritually dead if we do not know Jesus. In John 3 it says that when we come to Christ we become Born Again, and in Ephesians 2 we are reminded that by God’s grace we who were once dead are now alive in Christ!

See, God is in the business of delivering us out of lifestyles that lead to death, and He puts us into the kingdom of life! He has given those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior the greatest gift ever – the Holy Spirit!

Holy Spirit has come into our lives to regenerate a new life within us (see Titus 3:5-6). A life that rises from defeat and claims victory as we learn to trust in Jesus for everything we need. The Holy Spirit of God is the power that raised Christ from the dead, and now that He lives in us He is giving us the power to rise from defeat and death as well! 

Now those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also behave in accordance with the Spirit.”

Galatians 5:24-25

Die to those things that cause death in your life (sinfulness), and embrace the Spirit which leads us into the full life that Christ purchased for us through His death! Resurrection life is one of righteousness, peace, and joy. It leads us closer to the Life-Giver and stops us from experiencing defeat! We are now able to live a victorious life in Christ, so let’s decide to trust Him to produce life within us each day.


Oh God, I praise You for the new life You have given me in Christ. I want to experience victory and joy, life and blessing as I pursue You God. Holy Spirit I ask that You continually remind me of the life I am to live now in Christ, one of righteousness, peace, and joy. In Jesus’ Name. Amen