Why Would We Ever Stop Singing? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

Never Gonna Stop Singing” by Jesus Culture

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 1 Pet 2:9,
  • Ps 30:12,
  • Ps 34:1,
  • Ps 89:1,
  • Ephesians 2:4-5,
  • Ps 40:1-3,
  • Ephesians 5:19-20,

Devotional thought

There is something special that happens when we allow music to flow out of us to the praise of God the Father! It revives, refreshes, reminds, and rewards those who use it to express their worship. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are many ways to express our worship to God, but singing songs of praise and worship definitely has a profound impact on people!

God has been so faithful and kind to us! His love has called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light. Our God reached down and delivered us from a life that was on the fast track to hell! He delivered us, and set us on solid footing again. We were lost in our sin and He made us alive together with Christ. All of these things were done in His mercy and by His grace, we didn’t earn any of it!

This is why we should never stop singing! He is worthy of our voices being lifted and our praises being shouted on the top of our lungs. Who else would deserve our song?

I know that as a Worship Pastor, I can get caught up in finding various methods on how to get the church singing. I will read things like; If you choose the right keys, they will sing. If the lights are off, no wait turn them on but only halfway, no turn them all the way on and turn down the music, no lights on and music loud so nobody can hear the person next to them, no lights off and music loud and in the right key and you will have a singing church! Or, you have too many new songs and not enough older stuff, hymns, and songs people relate too.

Although I do not minimize any of these view points, I find them all falling short of the actual reason people stop singing. We have forgotten what the Hero of Heaven has accomplished for us! I highly doubt that Heaven will have a tech crew adjusting lights and decibel levels to accommodate everyone present. It is going to be a gigantic worship service with God as the Focal point! And I promise that there will not be a single soul represented that will be silent.

When we behold the glory of God and see His majestic presence, when we see all that we have been saved from, our hearts and mouths are going to explode with a song of our own making! Nothing will be able to hold us back. We will never stop singing!

Well, we can do that even now! We are seated together in the Heavenly realms with Christ Jesus, so let’s live like it today. Let’s make God the focal point of our worship services, and sing to Him like He was actually right there with us. Because He is!


Oh God of Heaven. I praise Your Name for being an awesome God who has done mighty things in my life! I love You Lord for delivering me, and I commit myself to using my voice to sing my praises to You always! When I am tempted to neglect singing, please help me Holy Spirit to lift up my voice in praise to my God. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.