How Great is God, Really? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

How Great is Our God” by Chris Tomlin

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Ps 92:1-5,
  • Deut 32:3-4,
  • Ps 104:1,
  • Rev 22:13,
  • Phil 2:9,
  • Ps 145:3,
  • Jer 10:6,

Devotional thought

We say many things are “great”, but how can we use the same word to describe the great night we had with our friends or great weekend we had celebrating July 4th with the greatness of our God? When we say that God is great, what are we saying, really?

Well, there are a number things we could be saying, but I believe the primary thing that we are expressing when we say that God is great is that His acts toward us are unmatched! That nobody or nothing can stop Him. His character is all-powerful, all-knowing, He is our all-in-all, and He is unstoppable!

The Scriptures tell us that none can compare with Him and that His actions are great toward humanity! Once we recognize the great and awesome God, our response should be to praise His glory and greatness toward us! The worshiper cries out for the greatness and majesty of our God to be revealed in their lives at all times.

But, is that the cry of your heart today? Do you really see God as the great and majestic King, or is He reduced in your eyes? How great is God to you, really?

The answers to those questions are defined by your life’s actions! Each of us will obey and act according to the level of greatness we attribute to God. If we do not see Him as great, we will not be influenced in our actions by what He expects of us. If we do see Him as great, then our actions will reflect that and we will seek to please Him. So, is God really great in your eyes? If so, do your actions prove that confession?

We need to confess often that our God is great so we can trust Him more and live pure and blameless lives that align with His greatness. Make no mistake, God is great! Just look at all of the written records of how God acted on behalf of His children throughout history, and He is still doing it today. So, trust in His greatness and incomparable nature to come through for you as well!


My great God, I look to You and praise You for being my matchless King! You are able to do far more than I could ever ask or even imagine, so I ask You now to be my all-in-all in everything I do. You truly are my great God, and I acknowledge my dependence on You each day. Thank You for hearing my prayers and receiving my worship, Almighty God! In Jesus’ name, amen.