Understanding the Importance of God’s Word! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Word of God” by Brenton Brown

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17,
  • Heb 4:12,
  • Ps 107:19-20 (NASB),
  • Ps 119:11,105,114

Devotional thought

There are people being handed a translation or copy of the Bible for the first time right now! Just think about that for a minute. For the majority of us we have had a copy of the Bible around us at all times. Our homes usually have 2-4 copies of the Bible in them, and it is there for us whenever we want to read it. But, for many more people around the world the ease of access to the Word of God is limited to say the least.

With that said, I wonder how many of us would actually be affected if the Bible was not available to us. Are we hungry for the content within this amazing book anymore, or is it largely impractical and outdated as some claim it to be? I know that for those receiving the Word of God for the first time, there is generally a great sense of joy and emotion that comes upon that person!

For so many, the Bible has lost its power because we forget what it actually is. We reduce it to old stories of people and situations, more of a history book rather than an actual letter from God! A letter that describes the character of God, the love of God, the plan He initiated to redeem us, and the joy of a future hope with Him forever! Have you forgotten that this is the intent and purpose of the Word of God for us?

Check out what 2 Timothy says about this wonderful book.

Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16–17 (NET 2nd ed.)

Every word of the Bible is inspired by God! That means it was intentionally thought out, and is useful for our growth and understanding of God! This should produce a great sense of joy and responsibility for anyone who has access to the words in this Book of books! We are to cherish these words as if they were as important as the very food we eat and water we drink.

The promises of God are literally nourishment for our souls! They sustain us in times of spiritual drought, increase our joy in seasons of despair, give us healing when we are destitute, provide correction when we are in the wrong, provide hope for us when we feel hopeless, and so much more! Every other book we pick up is one that we read, but the Bible is the only book that reads us! There is so much power in the Word of God, please pick it up and apply it to your life today!

I have included a special song video for the Song of the Day by Brenton Brown called Word of God. I love this video because it highlights the joy and treasure of groups of people who have finally received and been impacted by the Word of God. And it breaks my heart that so many of us no longer respond this way to the very same Book that we have access to as well!

When is the last time you were overjoyed by holding a Bible in your hands, reading its content, gaining an understanding of how to apply a promise from God to your life, seeing a truth that causes correction, etc.? Let’s not forget what we hold and have access to my friends. It is the very Words of God given to us by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to communicate the love He has for us and the life we can have forever with Him! What a great Book!


Father God, thank You for the Bible! Thank You for communicating to me in this special way. You could have done it so many other ways, but You chose to capture Your love in written form so we always had a perfect way to preserve its contents. Your wisdom truly is unmatched!

Help me to understand the importance of Your Word, to read it and apply it to my life, and to tell others of the treasure that I find in it! Holy Spirit, I pray that You will lead me into all Truth as I look into Your Word for guidance and practical wisdom for daily living. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Memory Verse