Can We Count on the Faithfulness of God? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Do It Again” by Elevation Worship

Devotional thought

I hope and pray that you are at a point in your faith that you have seen the love and faithfulness of God in your life, multiple times! But, I know that for many this is a bit hard to see because we become hyper-focused on the here-and-now and lose sight of the past miracles we have seen!

I want to remind us today that God is still the same God of the Bible, of the miraculous, and His faithfulness will never fail! I know that your situation may seem insurmountable, but is anything too hard for the Lord? Is His arm too short to reach out and deliver you, and to show Himself faithful to you in your unique circumstance? Absolutely not!

The Bible reassures us from cover to cover that God is a miracle working God, showing His character and faithfulness all throughout history. Whether it was delivering Noah and his family from the flood waters, Israel from Egypt, Daniel from the Lion’s den, or me and you through the sacrifice of His Son, God has and will always be faithful!

I am going to copy a section of the Scripture for you here and I am asking you to read this text without much explanation from me at all. This text is from 2 Samuel 22:26-32, and it is a very powerful section of the Bible to meditate upon.

You prove to be loyal to one who is faithful; you prove to be trustworthy to one who is innocent. You prove to be reliable to one who is blameless, but you prove to be deceptive to one who is perverse. 

You deliver oppressed people, but you watch the proud and bring them down. Indeed, you are my lamp, Lord. The Lord illumines the darkness around me. Indeed, with your help I can charge against an army; by my God’s power I can jump over a wall. 

The one true God acts in a faithful manner; the Lord’s promise is reliable; he is a shield to all who take shelter in him. Indeed, who is God besides the Lord? Who is a protector besides our God?

2 Samuel 22:26–32 (NET 2nd ed.)

So, after reading this text, I want you to answer some questions:

  • To whom does God show Himself faithful and trustworthy?
  • Is it God’s character to be deceptive, or is it the perverse person’s perspective of God that makes Him appear to be deceptive (or one could say untrustworthy/unfaithful)?
  • Is the Lord your lamp illuminating the darkness around you?
  • Do you feel confident that you can take on anything that comes against you with the Lord’s help?
  • Have you seen the Lord’s promises fulfilled in your life, or has He acted in a faithful manner toward you?
  • Can you count on God’s faithfulness? Why or why not?

Again, I want you to take the time to reflect upon these things for yourself. The answers to these questions can give you a great insight into your personal faith in the Almighty God. Confess your inability to trust Him if need be, and ask Holy Spirit to teach you how to treat in the faithfulness of the Father over your life. He is trustworthy and faithful, I promise!


Faithful God, I love You and praise You for being so trustworthy! I know that You are able to do all things Lord, and I choose now to remain faithful to You at all times so I can experience and see Your faithfulness to me. I am sorry Lord for doubting You, for questioning Your faithfulness, and for taking matters into my own hands so often! I repent now and am asking You to prove Yourself to be my steadfast Rock that will be faithful at all times. I have seen You do it before, and I know that I will see You do it again. I thank You for that in advance, in Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

Memory Verse