Confession is Good for the Heart! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“Lord I Need You” by Matt Maher

Devotional thought

The Bible encourages us to confess our sins to the Lord. It also reassures us that if we do that, He forgives our sin and cleanses us of all unrighteousness!

Some of us are calling out to the Lord, confessing our need for Him, but are unwilling to actually change our ways in order to follow Him. We must be willing to abandon the ways of the world, submit ourselves to Christ, and choose to follow Him before we can expect that call for help to be heard.

When we confess our need for God, He is attracted to that! He responds to broken and contrite hearts, according to Ps 51:17. And in Psalm 32 the writer says that it was the confession that he made to God that restored his vitality! God answered him and forgave the iniquity of his sin.

The Psalmist goes on to say that it is for this reason (God answering his confession) that everyone who is godly should pray to Him! I would agree with that too. God responds to confession, to humility, and to a heart that acknowledges its need for His intervention.

The Bible describes the heart of a man to either be hard or soft. The hard-hearted person is unable to take correction and see their need for a Savior. Whereas the soft-hearted person is humble enough to recognize their need for God, and they are not afraid to confess that need often! Confession keeps our heart soft and cultivated for the seed of God’s Word to actually take root in it.


God, I praise You for hearing my confessions and forgiving me when I need forgiveness. You are so kind to me, and I want to stay humble before You at all times! Thank You for responding to my cry for Your intervention, for my confession of need, and giving me the grace I need! I love You Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

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Memory Verse