Victory in the Blood of Jesus! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

Power in the Blood & Victory in Jesus” by Shane and Shane

Devotional thought

I love these old hymns that remind us of the power and victory we have in the blood of Christ! When I go into the Nursing Home to minister to the residents through music, these old songs are so recognizable to them. They are a source of encouragement and they energize the people so much. And, I get energized by the content in these songs as well!

Isn’t that what we should expect when we hear the message of the Gospel? When we hear things like, “No, in all these things we have complete victory through him who loved us!” (Rom 8:37), or “Thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 15:57). Yes, our spirit should be energized by that sort of truth!

So, what’s the deal with the blood? Why do we celebrate the fact that Jesus shed His blood for us? Well, to answer that we must understand the Old Covenant system for attaining forgiveness.

The Old Covenant required the blood of bulls, goats, heifers, and other animals that the Priests were to offer periodically throughout the year, and then once a year for the sins of the people. This exercise of applying the blood of those animals to the atonement cover by the High Priest worked! God forgave the people (as long as the High Priest did it exactly as the Lord prescribed), because without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins.

Sin always leads to death!

Jesus initiated a New Covenant, by His blood! He presented a blemish free sacrifice to appease the Father – namely himself on the Cross! The Old way of temporal sacrifices was done away with when the Son of God died once for all and completely satisfied the righteous demands of the Father for our sins!

Now, His blood is the only means God will accept to “purify our consciences from dead works to worship the living God.” (Hebrews 9:14)! God sees the blood applied to all who believe on the complete work of Jesus Christ for their salvation! He forgives us through that blood, and that is why we celebrate it.

Finally, Revelation 12:11 tells us that we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! Having the testimony of belief on our lips, and the cleansing blood of Christ applied to our hearts, gives us the power to be victorious and overcomers in this life! Hallelujah indeed!


Thank You Lord for giving me victory through the blood of Jesus! I am forgiven and freed from the power and penalty of sin because of Your sacrifice, Jesus! And I will thank You for it forever. Holy Spirit, please keep me energized by this truth! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Rom 8:37,
  • 1 Cor 15:57,
  • Rev 12:11,
  • Heb 9:22,
  • Heb 9:11-28, (Please take time to study this text particularly!)

Memory Verse