The Hope of One Day! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“One Day” by Eagleville Bible Church

Devotional thought

There really is nothing like hope! Hope keeps us looking forward and not looking backwards! It holds the power to help us overcome our present struggles, and gives us encouragement to face the future with confidence.

God was so intentional throughout the Bible to communicate hope with us, because He knew we would need it! There are so many references to a future hope and a present help found in the Lord! That is why I love the song of the day so much (aside from the fact that Matt Lacy and the Eagleville song writing team wrote it!), because it serves us as a great reminder of the truth that we will see the Lord one day!

I know that we could be tempted to only think of that in terms of the resurrection, and although that certainly does pertain to this song it is not the only message! Our hope is not only for the life after this life, but is rooted in the truth that God is showing Himself to us even now!

One Day I will see His glory, see Him shine, see Him… is applicable to us in every situation, every day! I want to see my God show His glory now in my life, how about you? Yes, it will be awesome to see His glorious throne in Heaven, but I believe we should be seeking His manifested glory today!

The hope that we hold on to says that God will be faithful to us when we are lost and wandering, when we’re at the end of ourselves, and when we admit that we just can’t do it on our own! When we set our eyes upon His throne and seek His face, the Truth of God’s Word is that we will find Him!

So, that “One Day” hope can be today’s hope that gets us through whatever we are facing. Fears, trials of all sorts, joys, and everything else we may face can be done through the lens of hope. The hope that God will reveal His glory to us and be our help in our times of need!


Dear Heavenly Father, I praise You for hope! I don’t know what I would do without You and the hope that You provide. You truly are my help in times of need. Help me to call upon You, to draw my strength from the hope of Your Word, and to see Your glory revealed in my life! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • Rom 15:13,
  • Ps 42:5,
  • 1 Thess 4:16-18,
  • Ex 33:18,
  • Rom 5:2,

Memory Verse