Amazed at the Grace of God! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day

“This is Amazing grace” by Phil Wickham

Devotional thought

I am simply amazed at the grace extended toward me from the Father! There is nothing I ever did, or ever could do, to earn this thing called grace. The very meaning of the word is “unmerited favor”, and God has lavished it upon anyone who is ready to receive it by faith!

Mercy is the act of God that withholds the punishment that we all deserve, but grace takes another step and extends favor instead of punishment. A blessing in place of a punishment! Because the punishment we all deserved fell upon our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and now by Him we all walk free from condemnation and curse. We are now freed by His amazing grace! Hallelujah!

If you are running from God because you are afraid to be vulnerable with Him for fear of rejection, be assured that our God will never forsake you when you come to Him for grace! His love is unfailing, His grace is limitless, and His desire for you to be blessed is beyond comprehension!

He will never turn you away, but will take you into His wonderful, life-changing embrace, and by grace walk you out of your hurts, habits, and hangups and into a transformed life for His glory! The key is that we must be ready to forsake that old man and walk in the new creation that God’s grace is creating within our heart.

Humility, faith, repentance, confession, and grace all walk hand in hand to create the amazing outcome of transformation.

Stop running from the One who is pursuing you today, because His grace is amazingly transformative indeed! It will save you from the depths of your pain and struggles and set you on a path to healing! Our God loves you, run to Him for the healing you need today! Stop running from, and start running toward Him! 


Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for the grace You have shown me. I know I do not deserve Your love, kindness, and grace, but that doesn’t stop You from lavishing it upon me! And that is why I worship You, that is why You deserve all of my love and praise. Your grace is amazing indeed. Help me to walk in it today and always! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to reflect upon

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Memory Verse