Do You Believe in a Living Redeemer? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “My Redeemer Lives” by Hillsong Devotional thought Ps 18:46 is one of my favorite verses because I love the way it starts, “The Lord Lives!”. This is such a powerful declaration of faith, and it has so much implications for us who believe in the message of this statement! What do […]
What’s Important

Join Pastors Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent as they discuss the move the Browns made and how important it is to take a stand as Christians on matters of utmost importance.
Session 202: What’s Important
Join Pastors Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent as they discuss the move the Browns made and how important it is to take a stand as Christians on matters of utmost importance. Enjoy!
The Simplest Messages are the Most Powerful! Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “God Really Loves Us” by David Crowder feat. Dante Bowe Devotional thought “Yes, Jesus Loves Me!” is a song that most are very familiar with. When I sing this old song at the local Nursing Home, I can count on everyone engaging with it! It is such a powerful example of […]
Worship in Unity

Worship Minute: This Sunday (9/11/22) Eagleville Bible Church is joining with 5 area Churches to present an opportunity to unite in Worship! We are meeting at the Lakeside High Scool auditorium at 6pm (doors open at 5:30pm) for a night of corporate worship! I hope you can join us too!
Here is the link, with YouTube links, to Eagleville Bible Church’s set list for Sunday morning too. Look up the songs so you can be prepared to sing the songs this week with us!
Also, remember that I write daily devotions based on the songs we sing each week at if you want to dive a bit deeper into these songs and the Scriptures that go along with them! Blessings ~ Mark
We Are Free Forever (Eagleville Bible Church original)

This is an Eagleville Bible Church original song written by Matt Lacy in 2021!
What is the Captivating Force in Your Life? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Captivate Us” by Watermark Devotional thought In today’s world, to ask anyone to have a singular focus is just about ludicrous! Our attention is being pulled many directions by captivating forces around us. Some are good and some are bad, but sensory overload is happening to many of us. The Bible […]
Do You Feel Stuck in Your Faith? Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “We Are Free Forever” by Eagleville Bible Church Devotional thought As I speak with people, I recognize that each of us struggle with this constant tendency to drift in our faith! Have you experienced that in your walk of faith? I know it can seem like we are stuck in this […]

In this sermon starting n 1 John 5:13, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Believe in Jesus and Be Assured of Eternal Life”
-Faith is the sole condition for eternal life
-Faith is a radical reliance
-Faith is believing in what you don’t see
-Faith is action
Hard Work Pays Off

Pastors Bill McMinn and Eric Barfell continue their discussion on hard work.