Change is Possible (Full Service)

Good Morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God as you worship with us tonight. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.
Session 164: Handling Injustice – John 19

How did Jesus handle the injustice of being false accused and wrongfully sentenced. Tune in as Bill and Mark discuss it from John 19.
Handling Injustice

Pastors Bill and Mark discuss John 19 together, especially in regard to the injustice that Jesus went through while on trial.
We ask that you share this podcast episode if it has been helpful to you. Thank you.
Here is the link to the Eagleville Bible Church website for more information on the 40 Days of Seeking God initiative that was spoken about at the beginning of this episode:
A Generation Rising Up! Worship Devotional
Do you seek a fresh work of God in your life? Are you constantly seeking God to change your heart and make it clean? How about for Him to open up your eyes to the things unseen? To show you how to love like He loves us?
Is God’s Love “Reckless”? Worship Devotional
From the outside looking in, from the world’s perspective (and probably the Church’s too), it appears that people who don’t deserve to be shown mercy are speaking of their lives forever changed by the love and goodness of God toward them. Many times we may wonder why, or how, “these people” would receive mercy from God after what “they” have done. Maybe we have forgotten the love that God showed us too, and how little we deserve that sort of grace!
The Love that Provides Eternal Life! Worship Devotional
The Father’s arms are open for all who will come to Him to receive life and love! We praise the Lord for the love He has shown us! It is this love that gives sinners like myself an opportunity to receive salvation and redemption in this world! Are you thirsty for that sort of salvation, for that kind of love? Jesus says, “Come to Me and you will never thirst again”!
Close The Door

In this sermon from 1 Kings 21:1, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Close the door on evil and keep it closed”.
-Close the door on Anger
-Close the door on the Tolerance of Evil
-Close the door on Negative Influences
-Close the door on Bad Theology
Jesus’ Identity

Bill and Jeri McMinn continue their discussion through the 18th chapter of the Gospel of John as they uncover Jesus’ identity. We hope this podcast is bringing you encouragement and helping you in your faith!
Please share this episode if it has been a blessing to you!
Session 163: Lessons from Christ’s Trial – John 18

We talk about John 18 and Christ being arrested and tried and standing before Pilate. What is the truth. It’s interesting to consider simple facts of the Bible.
Call the Sea to Still Jesus! Worship Devotional
The key to our amazement is to recognize the peace that comes with just the slightest breath from the mouth of our Creator to make the chaos tremble and flee our lives (Matt 8:27)! It only takes a command from the Lord to calm the tempest, and I believe that until He does so He is using it to refine and strengthen our lack of faith in His ability to do so! Jesus is interested in our trust in His ability to bring a sense of peace to our heart and mind as we stay focused on who He is and rely on Him to fulfill His mission for us!