Close the Door (Full Service)

Good Morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God as you worship with us tonight. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

Do You Remember the Happiest Day in History? Worship Devotional

I hope and pray that you do remember that day, and that you celebrate the wonderful blessing that day brought into your life. I pray that you are walking in the newness of life, the transformation that comes when one gives their life to Christ! I pray that the Gospel has taken complete hold of your life and that the greatest day in history has brought you life and life to the fullest!

All Hope is Found in Christ Alone! Worship Devotional

So, I know it is tempting to try and find hope in earthly things, or earthly relationships, but let’s resist that temptation and seek to find our hope in Jesus today! The things the world offers is temporal at best, but the everlasting love of Christ and the power of His resurrection provides an eternal sense of hope that will never fade! His Name is everlasting, and an ever present help in all of our troubles, so that means that hope is everlasting and ever-present too.

Praying Jesus

Jeri McMinn joins Pastor Bill McMinn to discuss the 18th chapter of the Gospel of John. In this episode they discuss the reality of Jesus being a praying Man, and how that impacted His ministry and relationship with His Disciples.
Please share this episode if you found it helpful! Thank you.

What Does it Mean to ‘Wait Upon the Lord’? – Worship Devotional

To wait on God is to have a hopeful expectation of His intervention and deliverance for you. The Hebrew word means to “expect something, to look for, to wait on”… that thing we are eagerly looking to God for. So, when we read in Ps 27:14 to wait upon the Lord, we are literally being commanded to rely on Him, to trust that He will show up for us when we need Him to be there!

3 Strategic Methods for Overcoming Spiritual Battles – Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham Scripture to reflect upon Matt 17:20, Ps. 32:10, 2 Chron 20:17, Exodus 14:14, Matt 19:26, Devotional thought This song is undoubtedly one of my favorite songs right now! It has been so helpful to me, and I have been able to remind myself through its message […]

Changing Your Thinking

In this sermon starting in 1 Kings 19:9, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Move forward with the right thinking”

-Question Yourself
-Don’t Expect God to Owe You Anything
-Don’t Focus On What Others Are Doing
-Listen For God’s Voice
-Trust God To Have It Under Control

Change Your Thinking (Full Service)

Good Morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God as you worship with us tonight. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.