Are You Blessing the Lord in Your Trial? Worship Devotional

Hebrews tells us to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, and to the level that we can do that, regardless of our situations, will be to the level that we will experience stability in our lives. Our worship needs to remain constant throughout the storms, throughout the pain, throughout everything we endure, because it reminds us that God is good and faithful no matter what we are going through.

Truth about Jesus

Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent take a look at John 17 together and discuss the Truths of who Jesus really is! We hope this podcast will inspire your faith!
God bless you and please share this content if it has been helpful to you.
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You Are Not Alone! Worship Devotional

There is so much comfort that comes with knowing someone is with us! We aren’t facing this life without help or community. Our Lord wants us to know that we are not facing anything in this life without Him being with us. Mary was told to name her Son Jesus, Immanuel, to assure us that God is with us. Psalm 23:6 reassures us that God walks through even the darkest valleys with us. His rod and staff provide protection and leadership in those dark valleys!

Spread the Word about Worshipeyes!

I am so grateful to each of you for your support, and am eager to keep providing devotional content through the Scriptures and songs we sing in worship to our God! If you are engaging with the content on this website, and have found it to be an encouragement to you, would you do me […]

Worship Minute: Exalting the Name of God!

Worship Minute: Praising the Name of God! I hope that the Lord is the high and lifted up One in your life. This week we will be exalting His Name through song, and it excites me to bring him glory and honor in that way together with you!
What does His name mean to you? How does the Name of God impact your thinking and daily life? What, or who, is the longing of your heart?
Go here: to read the devotional I wrote discussing the importance of keeping the Lord as the high and lifted up One, and to sing along to the song of the day by Natalie Grant titled, “Your Great Name! God bless you and bring you much joy today! ~ Mark

Who is High and Lifted Up in Your Life? Worship Devotional

To exalt something, or someone, is to lift it up, to raise high. Now the other element to this word is to have a longing for something, or someone. This makes so much sense to me, because when we have a longing in our heart that very thing is what becomes the high and lifted up focus of our mind, right? So, what is the longing of your heart right now? Answer that question and you will find exactly what you are choosing to exalt in your mind and heart.

The Name that Overcomes Darkness! Worship Devotional

I am not sure what sort of storm you have in your spirit right now, but did you know that if you choose right now to trust in the Name of Jesus He will still that storm for you? The discipline of calling to the Lord in our moments of trial and darkness is what will help us overcome in this life! No darkness can ever overcome the light! He drives out the darkness as long as we stay near the light of His glorious face.

What is In A Name? Worship Devotional

Our song today brings about much contemplation in regard to the name of God. At His name the mountains shake and crumble, what does that mean? I’ve never seen that. The oceans roar and tumble, it always does that, right? Angels bow, the earth rejoices, God’s people cry out, all over a Name. So, what is it about that name that creates all this activity?

Epic Prayer (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

0:00 Welcome to Eagleville Bible Church
1:03 Scripture Reading and Prayer
3:37 House of the Lord
8:03 Glorious
12:05 Goodness of God
17:05 Prayer for Others/Announcements,
22:40 Praise You in This Storm
31:42 How Great Thou Art
36:00 Greet One Another
38:08 Sermon