Dealing with Grief (Part 1)

Bill McMinn and Mark Hostetler discuss the different ways we handle grief, and look to the Scripture for guidance. We pray it will be a helpful episode for you. Look for part 2 coming out in a few days.
God bless you!

Session 154: Dealing with Grief Part 1

Mark and Bill talk openly about how we deal with grief.  We are in the midst of it after losing great friend, Steve Arsulic.  How do we cope with the reality of loss?  Listen in!  

O’ the Faithfulness of God! Worship Devotional

Although it is just our fallen human nature to resort to faithlessness, we must overcome this tendency and begin trusting in God’s everlasting faithfulness toward us if we ever want to live victoriously in this life! God is not going anywhere. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! That means that the same comfort we received from Him when we needed it before is there for us today, and will always be available to us! Let’s not doubt that for a second!

What Can I Do, but Offer My Heart Completely to You? Worship Devotional

What is your personal stand? Are you resolved on following the ways of God? If you answered yes to that question, what is the fruit of such a stand in your life? Let’s not just say that we are standing with God, but let’s show our stance by what we do or don’t do! We must reject the worldly ways of living and surrender our whole lives over to the ways of God! He deserves to have followers that are standing upon Him and will not be shaken!

Do We Seek God’s Glory? Worship Devotional

The word “glory” means (in part) “weight”, and if we use this idea to understand what we are saying when we cry out to the Lord for His Glory (weight) to be revealed it makes a little more sense. For God’s glory to be among us, according to this definition, would then mean to feel a substantial, tangible weightiness of His presence and power with us!

Really, Do I have to Sing? Worship Devotional

The answer to the original question is no, you do not have to sing. But, I would say that you are missing out on a special method of praise and worship that brings honor to the God you love! I would also say that if you choose not to sing, then you are making a decision to disobey the God who I know you love and want to please. Make a decision today to sing, to light your heart on fire through song, and to commit yourself to never stop singing! He deserves our utmost praises!

Radical Faith

In this sermon starting in 1 Kings 18:30, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Radically Change Your Life”

-Recognize what’s lost

-Repair what’s broken

-Rebuild new patterns/rebuild

Radical Change (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

It’s Time – You Can Change (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

Can You Say, “It Is Well with My Soul”? Worship Devotional

So, what is the key to stopping this from happening? Faith. I truly believe that our lack of peace in times of trials comes from our fundamental belief in God. As we seen in both Job and Horatio’s experience, both losing just about everything they had in horrible circumstances, they were able to respond with an unwavering trust that God’s ways are good and right. They were able to declare with absolute certainty that the Lord’s will is best and they will accept His purpose.