The Advent of Hope – Worship Eyes
Hope is an indispensable virtue to have in this life! There are so many that are living without hope for tomorrow, let alone for eternity. I feel so sorry for people who do not feel hopeful, because hope is available in Jesus! He is our living hope!
Rejoice, God is With Us! Worship Devotional
Not only did Emmanuel come 2000+ years ago, but He comes and makes His dwelling in the lives of all who call on Him for salvation in the Person of the Holy Spirit! God makes His dwelling in the life of every believer today, and forever! For this reason, everyone who is godly should rejoice!
Cultivating a Heart of Gratitude! Worship Devotional
I encourage us all to become more sensitive to God’s activity in our lives, all that He does, and to respond to it with words of affirmation and acts of allegiance! We need to show our gratitude to God at all times, not just Thanksgiving! He is always at work on our behalf, so why shouldn’t we always be at work declaring our gratitude for Him?

Bill and Mark discuss the importance of cultivating a grateful heart and offering up our thanks to God!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Love Like Jesus Did

Bill McMinn ands Mark Hostetler discuss how Jesus loved us and how we should respond to that love. This is a continuation of the 15th chapter of John.
Transforming Ashes to Beauty! Worship Devotional
God is the one who turns our shame into His glory, ashes into beauty, graves into gardens! When we come to Jesus in faith, we die to ourselves and allow Him to work in us. As a result, He produces a great garden of restoration in the life that has died to itself and transformed to live for the glory of God!
The Love that Overcomes Whatever We Face! Worship Devotional
God has assured us that when we call to Him, He will answer. When we ask for His help, He is the One who will be nearer than anything or anyone as we go through difficulties. He does not promise us a life free of trials, but He does promise to be with us in the trials!
Session 147: Love Like Jesus – John 15

Mark and Bill continue talking from John 14. We talk about love and joy and they’re both huge. We even talk about hate as well because Jesus said that some will hate us because we believe in Him. That’s true, but we must continue doing the right t…
Grace that is Greater than all My Sin! Worship Devotional
Jesus came into this world full of grace and truth. In Him we find the fulfillment of the righteous requirements of the law. We are now under a new covenant of grace because of the perfect sacrifice He made on the cross. The penalty for our sins were laid upon Him, and now when we come to Him by faith His righteousness gets imputed (deposited) into our spiritual account!
Avoiding Disaster

In this sermon from 1 Kings 18:17, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Avoid the Path to Ruin”.
-Avoid Shifting Blame
-Pride is a Problem
-Blaming good people for your problems, is a problem
-Take Responsibility for your Actions
-What is your role in the problem?
-Have you ignored God’s commands?
-Have you put anything above God?