Don’t Be Afraid

Pastor’s Bill and Eric are taking a look at John 14 together and discussing the importance of this phrase: “Do Not be afraid!”.
We hope you enjoy!

The Revelation of the Light! Worship Devotional

– Do you ever look for ways to freely express your gratitude for God for saving you and revealing the Light of the world to you?

– Are you confident that you will truly fly away to meet the Lord in the air when He returns?

– Have you forgotten how it felt when you seen the Light for the first time?
– Will you remind yourself even now of your testimony?

Give Me Faith to Believe! Worship Devotional

– When was the last time you asked God to soften your heart and to increase your faith?

– Have you surrendered yourself to God in faith, believing Him for the results of your current situation?

– Are you praying to God often, and if not do you think this is an indication of the amount of faith you have in God?

God Makes a Way Where There Seems to be No Way! Worship Devotional

– Are you struggling with trusting God to make a way for you to get through a difficult situation right now?

– Have you seen God move in your life, and if so what is stopping you from having confidence that God will not fail you now, or ever?

– Will you choose to trust God now and to leave your situation in His faithful hands?

Rejoice, People of the Risen King! Worship Devotional

– Are you grateful that you are part of God’s royal family, chosen by God?

– Would you say that your life is characterized by joy and godliness?

– If not, what needs to change, and are you willing to repent today?

The Truth that Arrested Death Forever! Worship Devotional

– Are you currently believing any lies about yourself, or God?

– Do you fear death and allow that fear to keep you in a state of spiritual paralysis?

– Will you praise the Lord right now for overcoming death forever and giving you eternal life in His name?

Leave the Light on

Leave the Light On
In this sermon from 1 Kings 18, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Stay Good in a Bad World”
-Represent the light of God in a world of darkness
-Hugely respect God
-Invest into truth

Leave the Light On (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.