Leadership Looks Like Service

Pastor Bill McMinn and Mark Hostetler discuss John 13 and how they see Jesus serving others, even the one who betrayed Him! Godly leadership always looks like servanthood.

Is the Grace of God Sufficient Enough? Worship Devotional

– Do you have a humble enough spirit to admit weakness to the Lord and to embrace His gracious correction?

– Is His grace sufficient enough for you to be secure in your salvation, or do you feel that you have to try to add to His complete work of salvation?

– Have you praised the Lord today for being faithful to you? Will you now?

Lead Me to the Cross! Worship Devotional

– How often do you return to the cross in your mind, reflecting upon the exchange that took place on it for you?

– Does the cross communicate love to you?

– Have you praised God for giving you a place to go to for the forgiveness of your sins and for the hope of a new life in Christ?
– Will you now?

The Awestruck Wonder Of The Revelation Of Jesus! Worship Devotional

– Have you lost your wonder for God?

– Will you take a minute right now to imagine your life without God in it, then praise Him for His intervention into your life?

– Does the Revelation song help you picture and reflect upon the greatness and holiness of God?

Come Lord Jesus, the Cry of the Ages! Worship Devotional

– In our song of the day, Come Lord Jesus (Even So Come), as we sing the lyrics we are actually engaging in a prayer for Christ’s return! Does that intimidate you, or can you join with the saints of old with a sincere cry for the Lord’s return and to establish His rule and reign on this earth?

– Are you prepared in your own heart to meet Jesus if He returns today?

– Does the reality of Jesus’ return help motivate you to tell others about the wonderful love of God in Christ Jesus? Will you tell someone of this Gospel today?

– IS there a situation that is requiring you to be still and wait right now? Have you invited the Lord Jesus into that situation?

Believing in God

Bill McMinn and Steve Arsulic continue their conversation through the 12th chapter of the Gospel of John, particularly in regard to the importance of having a firm belief in God through Jesus Christ.

Celebrating the Hero of Heaven! Worship Devotional

– Have you had an encounter with the Lord God Almighty?
– Would other people know that you had that encounter? How?
– Have you celebrated God’s work in your life lately through praising Him?
If not, will you do that right now?

Faith and Calamity

In this sermon from 1 Kings 17, Pastor Bill McMin challenges us to “Develop a strong faith in God.”

-Maintain youth faith through problems

-Faith is purely authentic before God

-Faith prays about it

Faith in Calamity (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; http://eagleville.church/give. You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.