Look to Christ for Sacrifice and Leadership! Worship Devotional
Have you allowed Him to have the Leadership/Lordship role in your life?
What is the evidence of that?
Have you worshiped Jesus Christ today for being that sacrificial Lamb for you to atone for your sins?
Will you now?
Being Spiritually Genuine

Pastor’s Bill and Steve discuss John 12 in this episode, especially as it pertains to being a spiritually genuine person.
We hope this episode blesses you and encourages your growth in Christ!
Session 140: Being Spiritually Genuine – John 12

Are we genuine or fake when it comes to our spiritual lives. Listen in as Bill McMinn and Steve Arsulic discuss the topic.
Are You Resolved To Trust God No Matter What Comes? Worship Devotional
In the night moments of your life, are you able to call upon the Lord and trust that He will protect and uphold you through it?
Are you able to choose faith over fear when things get difficult?
Do you believe that God is able to deliver, and that He is still good even if you don’t get the deliverance you thought you needed?
Is Holy Spirit Welcome in Your Life? Worship Devotional
Are you involving God, the Holy Spirit, into your daily activities?
When was the last time you welcomed the Holy Spirit into your decision making processes?
Will you begin doing that today?
Is God’s Only Son Producing Freedom in You? Worship Devotional
Are you experiencing freedom in your life?
Is there anything that you may need to repent from today in order to embrace the freedom purchased for you on the Cross?
Have you worshiped God today for making you free in Christ?
How Can I Trust that God is Working if I Don’t See Or Feel Him? Worship Devotional
God is always at work! We may not see Him, feel Him, or see the immediate answers to our prayers, but our limited sight doesn’t automatically confirm God’s inactivity! Faith requires that we continue to pursue our God for that thing that we are longing for, right?
Into the Storm

In this sermon from Mark 4:35-41, Pastor Adam Page challenges us to “Attack Your Storms With God By Your Side”
-Talk to God
-What the issue is, and who GOD is
-Be ok with NOT being ok (being broken)
-Get out of the boat
-God is always with you
-Praise God in the storm and when He saves you!
Into the Storm (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; http://eagleville.church/give. You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.
Is God’s Love Really for Me? Worship Devotional
What can separate us from the unfailing love of God? Nothing! Receive it for yourself today, dwell in it, and give thanks to God for His love for you! He truly is a good and loving God, praise His name! God’s love truly is meant for you and me to personally enjoy! Are you enjoying it?