Putting Our Hope in the Message of God’s Word! Worship Devotional

I love this remake of the old hymn, Amazing Grace, as it declares, “My chains are gone, I’ve been set free!”, praise God! I hope that your hope is secure in the freedom that Christ has offered you. I pray that you have been inspired as you listen and sing this song, and that your faith is in Jesus Christ and the grace that He offers all of us.

How can Being Broken Help Me? Worship Devotional

Gracefully Broken is a great song to remind us of how our weakness can position us to receive God’s power. When in our weakness we call out to God‘s intervention then we will see the mighty hand of God coming in and delivering us from our trials and circumstances. All to Jesus we surrender, and when we do we align ourselves with His redeeming power. And there is no greater force in all of the universe than that!

How do we Navigate the Desert Seasons of Life? Worship Devotional

I don’t know if you are in that “dry” place right now, a place where you don’t have much more to give. Are you exhausted, maybe you have received a diagnosis that you weren’t prepared for, maybe you are having marital issues that can’t seem to be resolved, the list goes on and on and on! But I do know the One that you can call on which will be your help in a time of need, His name is Jesus Christ.

Power to Change Things

Pastors Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent discuss Jesus’ power to change things in our lives when we allow Him to. We need to seek Him out through prayer and trust Him to change our lives forever!
God bless you!

Session 139: Power to Change Things (John 11)

Steve Sargent and Bill McMinn discuss the powerful miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  It’s amazing.  God answered the prayer of Jesus and Jesus can still change lives today.  We believe this and should live in faith.  

Do You Know the God of Wonders? Worship Devotional

We have to get a grasp on the holiness of God and His wonderful Nature in order to fully trust Him with our lives. He is the Lord of all, the Ruler of all things, and I hope He is the Lord of your life today! When you make Him Lord of all in your life, then you access His closeness, you access His guidance, you access His Holy Spirit which is our help in our times of need!

Life in a Drought

In this sermon from 1 Kings 17, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Trust God to Provide and Go as He Guides.”

-Totally Trust God’s Guidance

-Trust God to Provide

Life in a Drought (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; http://eagleville.church/give. You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

Trusting God as He Leads Us Out of Captivity! Worship Devotional

We must learn to remain steady and resolved in trusting God’s work of deliverance. We must reject fears influence over us and allow God’s power and strength to keep us on the path up out of our captivity! He is faithful, we must only look to Him for our salvation.

Having a Heart for People

Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent are looking at John 11 today and discussing the interactions of Jesus as He sympathizes with those He loves. We hope you are blessed as you engage with this episode!