Living Your Best Life

Bill McMinn and Mark Hostetler look at John 10 together and discuss the opportunity Jesus Christ gives us all to live our best and fullest lives!
God bless you.
Points from this episode
– Jesus is our Shepherd
– Jesus is the Door
– Jesus came to give us an abundant life!
Worship Devo: Is God’s Forgiveness Producing Freedom in You?
I believe most of us can relate to the first couple lines of our song today, “God, I’m on my knees again, God I’m begging please again. I need You, Oh I need You!” Sin is a very present reality in our lives, and the battle against it can be very fierce at times, but the reality of forgiveness actually has the potential of allowing us the ability to overcome those nagging sins in our lives!
Worship Devo: Do You Have the Faith to Follow God Wherever He Leads You?
There are times in our lives when we will have to get out of the “boat” and trust the Lord. Starting a new job, showing love to our spouse when they don’t deserve it, following the steps to sobriety when it will result in us losing so-called friends, signing up to serve in a ministry that we feel inadequate to be in, etc. These are just some of the ways we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and trust in Him, even as we see the effects of the “wind” around us that seems to be fighting against our progress. We have to stay focused, stand firm in our faith, and call upon our God to increase our faith as we follow Him!
Worship Devo: Do You Know the Prince of Peace?
In the song for today, we sing lyrics that come right out of this prophecy (Lyrics like; “You’re the Prince of peace, You are mighty (Mighty God).”), and when we know that to be true in our heart, it will result in us praising and worshiping our Savior for that peace we feel now that we know Him! Our lives will be dedicated to holiness (which also promotes peace for us) as we follow the Lord out of the love we have for Him and for all that He has provided for us.
Spiritual Blindness

Bill McMinn and Eric Barfell continue their discussion from John 9 about the importance of recognizing our need to stay aware and to be spiritually focused on what God is doing! We must be careful not to get stuck in tradition and thereby forfeit the work of God in our midst.
God bless you!
Session 135: Blind to the Truth

Eric Barfell and Bill McMinn talk about the spiritual blindness of people who just cannot see the spiritual truth. We want to be able to see and never fall into the category of people who don’t see God’s work and power.
Worship Devo: Why Do We Sing, Hosanna?
The reason we sing Hosanna today is because we acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, and we cry out to Him from dependent hearts that want to see Him revive our land forever! We are thirsty for God’s presence to wipe away the fears, sins, chaos, etc., from our hearts, and to see Him establish His rule and reign on this earth now and forevermore! We sing to Jesus, the Hosanna of our lives, the One mighty to Save us, the One making us new, because He is worthy of all our praises!
Divine Chaos (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.
Worship Devo: Being Delivered from Your Egypt!
God has a wonderful track record of stepping in throughout history and delivering those who call upon Him by faith! You can read about it in the Bible, you can look up Godly testimonies and listen to transformation in other people’s lives, or you can keep a journal and describe your own deliverance experience. All of those are ways to “remember” the works of the Lord, and as we do that our joy and confidence will increase! This is so important and I hope that you can remember that work of deliverance/salvation in your own life.
Gaining Your Sight

Pastors Bill and Eric are looking at John 9 and discussing the incredible miracle of God healing a blind man, and how the people of that day missed the miracle by focusing on things that ultimately did not matter! Don’t miss the work of God in your life by focusing on things that block your vision of Him!
God bless you