Bold Faith

Pastor’s Bill and Mark discuss the first part of John 7 together, and they look at the need to have a bold faith that stands strong on your Biblical convictions! We hope that you are blessed by engaging with this episode of the Way to Go Podcast, and if you find it helpful please share this to your social media page.
Thank you and God bless you!

Session 128: Bold Faith

Talking John 7 and how people were oppressed and couldn’t even openly talk about Jesus.  I feel that way today – you cannot talk openly without vehement criticism unless you agree with the herd.  Be bold my friends!  

God’s Providence

In this sermon from Ephesians 1:11, Pastor Bill McMinn challenges us to “Point out God’s daily work of providence in you life.”
-God has a plan
-God works to preserve us
-God works in the details of life

God’s Providence (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

What is Your Song in the Night?

remind you today of this truth again! The delivering strength of our God was fully realized in Jesus Christ, who was sent to this earth to dwell among us so that He could completely destroy the power of our enemy who has held us in bondage. We are delivered from his grip by the rescuing power of a Savior who conquered the grave and gave us all access to eternal life in His Name – Jesus Christ! Make Him your song in the night!

Thoughts on Vaccines

Pastor Bill and Mark discuss the Covid-19 vaccine, and give a statement regarding Eagleville Bible Church’s stand on this issue. This podcast episode discusses the importance of protecting our freedom to have Personal Choice in America from a Biblical point of view.

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Thank you for your support and God bless you!

Pay Attention (Full Service)

Good morning and thank you for joining Eagleville Bible Church. We are so glad that you have decided to spend some time with us, and we hope that as a result you will be drawn closer to God. God bless.
If you want to give in support of this ministry, please click here; You can also send a check to 1981 St. Rt. 45 Rock Creek, OH 44084. You can follow along with Pastor Bill McMinn on the Eagleville Bible app. Thank you.

The Most Important Things

Bill and Adam continue their discussion from the 6th chapter of John, and today they look at the most important things in life according to Jesus’ teaching.
God bless you.