The Name that Overcomes Darkness! Worship Devotional

I am not sure what sort of storm you have in your spirit right now, but did you know that if you choose right now to trust in the Name of Jesus He will still that storm for you? The discipline of calling to the Lord in our moments of trial and darkness is what will help us overcome in this life! No darkness can ever overcome the light! He drives out the darkness as long as we stay near the light of His glorious face.

What is In A Name? Worship Devotional

Our song today brings about much contemplation in regard to the name of God. At His name the mountains shake and crumble, what does that mean? I’ve never seen that. The oceans roar and tumble, it always does that, right? Angels bow, the earth rejoices, God’s people cry out, all over a Name. So, what is it about that name that creates all this activity?

When I In Awesome Wonder! Worship Devotion

Have you forgotten? The greatness of your mighty God hasn’t been diminished in any way. He is still the One that completely removed our sinfulness before Him! It is His name that still drives out the enemy. He is still; healing, loving, forgiving, reconciling, regenerating lives for His glory, freeing captives, opening the eyes of the blind, etc. You and I were given the blessing of all of these things if we know Jesus to be our personal Savior! In these truths I truly do stand in awesome wonder. How about you?

The Storm Will Not Stop My Praises! Worship Devotional

The storms of life will come and go, but in the midst of those turbulent times we should never make the decision to move off of the only constant thing we have – our God’s reliability! We have to choose to stand on His promises to be with us and to provide our help in times of trouble. He is the God of comfort and gives us grace to persevere through the most difficult times when we rely upon Him.

The Good Nature of God! Worship Devotional

The Psalmist says that God’s goodness follows us all our days (see Ps 23:6). His goodness pursues us all the days of our life! What a picture of our Lord, the same God that leaves the ninety-nine to find the one that went astray. His compassion compels Him, His love drives Him, and His goodness rescues us from our evil ways.

There is Hope in Our Glorious Savior! Worship Devotional

It is our God that broke the chains of sin in our lives. My King came and rescued me! I sing my praises to the God who provided a complete solution to my helpless situation! His love fills my heart now. In Him I find my refuge, and joy is the result of looking to Him for all of these things!

Joy in God’s House! Worship Devotional

So, is there joy in the house of the Lord? That can only be answered by each person represented in our Church each time we worship together. I believe it is the one who understands their sinfulness to its fullest and the nature of what they were delivered from that will be expressing their joy and gratitude with the fullest conviction!

What is the Confession of Your Heart? Worship Devotional

All-too-often our fear of appearing weak is the very thing that holds us back from experiencing the power of God at work in our lives! Confession is not a sign of weakness, it is the avenue that leads us to accessing the greatest power in all of the universe – God Himself!

O’ the Faithfulness of God! Worship Devotional

Although it is just our fallen human nature to resort to faithlessness, we must overcome this tendency and begin trusting in God’s everlasting faithfulness toward us if we ever want to live victoriously in this life! God is not going anywhere. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! That means that the same comfort we received from Him when we needed it before is there for us today, and will always be available to us! Let’s not doubt that for a second!

What Can I Do, but Offer My Heart Completely to You? Worship Devotional

What is your personal stand? Are you resolved on following the ways of God? If you answered yes to that question, what is the fruit of such a stand in your life? Let’s not just say that we are standing with God, but let’s show our stance by what we do or don’t do! We must reject the worldly ways of living and surrender our whole lives over to the ways of God! He deserves to have followers that are standing upon Him and will not be shaken!