Do You Know What Noel Means? Worship Devotional

I simply cannot imagine a world without the light of Christ in it. Yes, there is so much darkness in our world today, but if you removed all of the light and influence that Jesus brings to this world, it is absolutely terrifying what would be remaining (if anything at all!). Thank the Lord for all of the blessings He does bestow on this world, even though in so many ways we reject Him. He truly is a gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in love!

The Invitation; Come and Behold the King! Worship Devotional

Can you hear Christ’s invitation to you to come and find your rest in Him (see Matt 11:28-30)? I pray that you have heard this invitation and responded by faith. But, if you have not, there is always time! Do it now, today is the day of salvation and rejoicing for you. Don’t hesitate and be like those in the days of Jesus that would rather have stayed in the dark rather than the light. He came to give you life and light, all you must do is receive it (see John 1:12)!

The Advent of Joy – Worship Eyes

Everyone likes good news, and that is what the Gospel is – Good News! When the Angel said that a Savior is born to us, that was the best news to a people who were waiting for God to send the Deliverer. The Gospel is the very thing that grants us justification (a legal term that means to be declared legally righteous), forgiveness of our sins, peace, hope, love, faith, eternal life, etc. The person that has these things applied to their life is blessed and should be full of joy! 

Hallelujah, to the Lord God Who Reigns! Worship Devotional

The Child that came into this world, Jesus Christ, came to deliver us from oppression and to save us from our sins! Hallelujah, indeed. I believe that when we properly understand the transaction that took place upon the cross of Christ, that is when we will begin to understand the importance of offering up our unhindered praises to God for this wonderful act of forgiveness!
We were destined for Hell, an eternity without God forever, until our Savior showed up on the seen and saved us! This should inspire praise to rise up in each of our hearts forever. This truly is good news, and that news should fill us with joy unspeakable!

Is The King of kings Your King? Worship Devotional

This Christmas season we are reminded that God almighty, the God of glory, the majestic King, brought Heaven to Earth in His Son, Jesus Christ! He did this to redeem the whole creation to Himself. His purpose was to erase the lines of separation between Himself and the nations of the world to make it possible for all the nations of the world to unite around One Kingdom – Heaven! When we choose to claim the King of kings as our very own King, we become a part of that eternal, celestial Kingdom forever! Hallelujah!

Understanding Why Jesus Came For Us! Worship Devotional

He came to “Save us all from Satan’s power when we were gone astray”! The bible tells us that we all like sheep have gone astray, and Jesus is the Good Shepherd that came to restore us to the Father again. God, the Son, truly is the hope for all mankind and has been born to give us all life! I pray that you are experiencing that hope and life, and that your life is not lived in a constant state of distress.

Joy, Because the Lord HAS Come! Worship Devotional

Have you seen the glories of His righteousness and the wonders of His love in your life? If so, you understand what Peter was saying in 1 Pet 1:8 when he said that we are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy! Respond by singing and lifting up your praises to God at all times!

Learning to Glorify God in the Highest! Worship Devotional

When we offer our hearts in worship to the Lord for His work of redemption, we are then Glorifying Him in the highest form! Worshipful and devoted hearts from mankind is the supreme expression of glory to God. This is the highest form of glory from us to Him. Although God does not need our worship to be glorified, He does absolutely desire it!

The Advent of Peace – Worship Eyes

The Advent, or arrival, of Peace truly became accessible to humanity when Jesus arrived in this world! He is our peace!
Peace is equivalent to wholeness, oneness, rest, and stillness. It is interesting to think about the word peace in that way, because for me when I think of peace I usually think of it in terms of the absence of war, or chaos. Well, although that is true, it goes far beyond the absence of something by giving us the presence of something else instead – wholeness!

Hark! God and Sinner Are Reconciled! Worship Devotional

The plan that included a Babe in a manger, resulted in all of humanity having access to forgiveness and reconciliation to the very God we offend and reject daily! God is not holding the worlds sins against them, but pleading with us all to be reconciled to Him through Jesus! That means that He removed the very thing that was blocking all of us from experiencing Him – sin. Christ became that sin for us, so that we can finally stand righteous before Him!