What Does it Mean to ‘Wait Upon the Lord’? – Worship Devotional

To wait on God is to have a hopeful expectation of His intervention and deliverance for you. The Hebrew word means to “expect something, to look for, to wait on”… that thing we are eagerly looking to God for. So, when we read in Ps 27:14 to wait upon the Lord, we are literally being commanded to rely on Him, to trust that He will show up for us when we need Him to be there!

3 Strategic Methods for Overcoming Spiritual Battles – Worship Devotional

Song of the Day “Battle Belongs” by Phil Wickham Scripture to reflect upon Matt 17:20, Ps. 32:10, 2 Chron 20:17, Exodus 14:14, Matt 19:26, Devotional thought This song is undoubtedly one of my favorite songs right now! It has been so helpful to me, and I have been able to remind myself through its message […]

Who Do You Belong To? Worship Devotional

Submission to authority is the key to a life lived in peace and direction. In order to do that though, we must acknowledge who our authority is. Who do we belong to? I know that question doesn’t set right with many of us, but we have to answer that question if we want the blessing of God’s leadership in our lives.

Becoming a Person of Blessing – Worship Devotional

I want to remind you reading this today that this option, this wonderful choice, is still available to us all! We can choose to walk in blessing or in curses. The choice we make will put us under the blessing and favor of God, or it will lead us out of that and into a life without the favor of God – which is the biggest curse any of us could ever experience!

I’m Listening God! Worship Devotional

Isn’t that what we all want as God’s children, to hear His voice and to follow Him? We are His children, and we want to know where He is and how He is leading us. Our Father’s voice creates clarity. His voice gives us peace. He is the voice is wisdom. God’s voice gives guidance. He is specific. God loves to speak to us if only we will listen!

Singing in Our Desert Seasons – Worship Devotional

Ps 32:3-7, 1 Pet 1:6-8, Rom 8:37, Gal 4:7, Rom 8:17, Isa 54:17, 1 Cor 15:57, Although I am unable to say much today, I do want to share this song and the Scriptures that go with it so that you and I can worship to it and receive encouragement through the texts sited above! […]

Are You Blessing the Lord in Your Trial? Worship Devotional

Hebrews tells us to keep our eyes fixed upon Jesus, and to the level that we can do that, regardless of our situations, will be to the level that we will experience stability in our lives. Our worship needs to remain constant throughout the storms, throughout the pain, throughout everything we endure, because it reminds us that God is good and faithful no matter what we are going through.

You Are Not Alone! Worship Devotional

There is so much comfort that comes with knowing someone is with us! We aren’t facing this life without help or community. Our Lord wants us to know that we are not facing anything in this life without Him being with us. Mary was told to name her Son Jesus, Immanuel, to assure us that God is with us. Psalm 23:6 reassures us that God walks through even the darkest valleys with us. His rod and staff provide protection and leadership in those dark valleys!

Spread the Word about Worshipeyes!

I am so grateful to each of you for your support, and am eager to keep providing devotional content through the Scriptures and songs we sing in worship to our God! If you are engaging with the content on this website, and have found it to be an encouragement to you, would you do me […]

Who is High and Lifted Up in Your Life? Worship Devotional

To exalt something, or someone, is to lift it up, to raise high. Now the other element to this word is to have a longing for something, or someone. This makes so much sense to me, because when we have a longing in our heart that very thing is what becomes the high and lifted up focus of our mind, right? So, what is the longing of your heart right now? Answer that question and you will find exactly what you are choosing to exalt in your mind and heart.