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Welcome to our WAY TO GO podcast!

At Eagleville Bible Church, we want to be there for you wherever you go. You’ll find an encouraging message here whether it’s in the form of a podcast, sermon, or song. Our Way To Go podcast. Our Woven Womans Podcast, Our Weekly Sermons, and our worship teams music..

Solutions for Anxiety

Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent discuss the pitfalls of anxiety in today’s episode! We hope that you will be blessed as you engage with this podcast episode!


This Podcast is a

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Understand Evil

In today’s episode, Pastor’s Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent discuss the Parable of the Sower and the need for us to understand Satan’s intent to pluck out the seed of

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Be Careful When You Get Angry!

Bill McMinn and Mark Hostetler discuss the dangers of giving vent to your anger in today’s episode. 


***This Podcast is a produced by Eagleville Bible Church, and you can stay connected

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Betrayal of a Friend

Bill McMinn and Mark Hostetler discuss the betrayal of Jesus by His friend Judas and connect it to how we are to conduct our relationships today.

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Hang in There!

Bill McMinn and Eric Barfell discuss the importance of perseverance in today’s episode! Never give up, stay faithful no matter what!

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Where is Happiness?

Bill and Mark discuss the dangers of chasing things that we feel will lead to happiness but eventually lead us away from God!

Pursuing Christ leads to holiness, goodness, and godliness

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Decision Making

In today’s episode, Pastor’s Bill McMinn and Steve Sargent are discussing the importance of good decision making skills.

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Dealing with Darkness

Steve Sargent returns to the Podcast and joins Pastor Bill as they discuss how to deal with the darkness in our lives and the world around us.


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Purpose in Life

Bill McMinn and Eric Barfell discuss the question everyone of us wants to know, “What is my purpose in life?”. We hope this will inspire and encourage you!


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I Forgive You

Join Pastor’s Bill McMinn and Eric Barfell as they discuss the importance forgiveness plays in our lives based on the passage from Matthew 18.

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Speak Pleasant Words

Bill McMinn and Mark Hostetler continue their discussion on the power of words and this episode deals specifically with why we should speak pleasantly to people! (Especially our spouse –

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