Come Lord Jesus (Even So Come) – Worship Song – Jesus Said He WILL Come Soon!

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“Come Lord Jesus (Even So Come)” by Passion

The Lord Jesus WILL Come Soon!

The one who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon!” Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

Revelation 22:20 (NET 2nd ed.)

These are some of the final words of Revelation, the last book of the Bible written by the Apostle John to the Churches! They are intended to be a source of encouragement and are meant to help Christians remember that our Lord Jesus will return very soon to take us to be with Him forever.

A place where there is no more sorrow or pain, no more death, and all things are new! Jesus is promising us in the verse today that we are not forgotten and this world will soon pass away with all of its sin and death too!

If He said it, we can be sure that it will happen! This is not the only passage in the Bible though that speaks of His return, because it is literally spread all throughout the Bible! Why? Because it is a message intended to encourage the Church.

Even though this is the truth, many are afraid and admittedly do not want this life to end. I can understand that because as a teenager the concept of a resurrection and life eternal in Heaven terrified me!

But, as I grew in my faith and understanding of eschatology (the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind) my eagerness to be with Jesus in Heaven has only grown and become one of great excitement!

Are You Able to Say, “Come Lord Jesus”?

I know that you may not be “eager” to see the end of the world and to move into the next in Heaven forever, but honestly it is hard to understand why that is with so many people. Maybe it’s because we are so terrified of the “judgement” of Christ.

Let me assure you right now though that if you are in Christ (meaning He is your personal Lord and Savior) you have passed from judgement to life:

“Truly I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.”

John 5:24 (CSB)

We do not have to fear judgement if our faith has been placed in the Lord Jesus Christ! There is now therefore NO Condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus is what the book of Romans tells us (see Romans 8:1). So, please do not let that fear of judgement stop you from being ecstatic that Jesus will return soon!

I also understand though that there are many of our loved ones that have not received Jesus to be their Savior and are NOT ready for His return because they will experience the unfortunate judgement seat of God unto eternal punishment in hell. This is why we must be sharing the Gospel with many and living in a way that is attractive to those in the world. They need to understand that in the blink of an eye it will be over and there will be no more chances for them to repent!

That is indeed something to fear! Let’s be in prayer often for our loved ones that need to receive Christ as their Savior and Lord. He is coming, and it will be soon, so let’s not let our lamps burn out as we seek to be a light in this world pointing people to His return!

Questions for Reflection

  • Are you fearful of the end times and the Lord Jesus’ return?
  • Are you ready for His return? What makes you ready?
  • What does it mean to you to “wait” for the Lord’s return?


Holy Father, I praise You for providing me security in regard to Christ’s return. I know it is not my merit that prepares me for that day, but the grace and work of my Savior Jesus Christ that gives me confidence to “wait” in anticipation for the day that He returns.

I ask that my loved ones would choose to commit themselves to following You, Jesus. Please give them faith to believe and save many through a world-wide revival before your return Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Scripture to study

(Please hover, or click onto, the Scriptures to read the specified text!)

  • John 5:24,
  • 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18,
  • Revelation 22:12–21,
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