Lunch Devo: 1 Corinthians 15:58

Lunch Devo: “..give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord..” What a great verse to remind us of our mission in life, our need to be stable and constant in faith, and the promise that what we do matters in the scope of all eternity!

Stand firm! We are bombarded with assaults all day long with the intent to cause us to sway and move off of the foundation of the Word of God, but the spiritual person who is fixed upon the Lord will see these deceptive darts and use their shield of faith to deflect any such attempts from our enemy with the Truth of God’s Word!

Give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord! There are endless opportunities to be co-laborers with the Lord in Kingdom work. Anywhere you go you have the chance to labor for God in witnessing of His goodness and offering hope to a hopeless world around you. Remember, your labor is not in vain when you do it fully for the Lord.

  • Are you characterized as someone who is immovable and constant in their faith? How about someone who is fully given to the work of the Kingdom?
  • Do you see your life as one that God can use to bring others to Himself?
  • What are you currently doing that you would categorize as a work for the Lord?
  • Are you giving yourself “fully” to the work of the Lord, or does something else have your allegiance? Are you willing to repent and change the way you view this area of your life?

What you are doing for God matters, and it has eternal implications. Keep it up, servant of the Most High King! He is watching!God bless you!