Lunch Devo: Colossians 1:10

Lunch Devo: ” Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord…”

  • When people observe your life, would you say that it is honorable to God and pointing them to Jesus?
  • What needs to change in order to help you produce fruit as you live pleasing to God?
    • Are you willing to repent of those things that are holding you back?
  • As you learn more about God, does it result in your worshiping and praising Him through a life dedicated to him through Holy living?

God is interested in our lives! He desires that our lives will show those around us of His love and faithfulness. The beginning place for that to happen is the ending phase of this verse, “increasing in the knowledge of God.”

Our knowledge of God should instruct our lifestyle! When we know the Lord our God personally, and look to him to fill us and use us daily, that will result in fruitful lives characterized by good works! The good works are a byproduct of our firmly rooted beliefs of who God is. When we understand God and fear Him, then we will seek to please Him. As we seek to please Him, we will walk in a manner that is worthy of Him! Do you see how that works?

Seek to know God, as you grow in that knowledge of God you will seek to please Him and begin to bear fruit as you walk in a manner worthy of your calling in Him! That is exciting!

God bless the rest of your day!